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Watch this video and Learn to Promote Anything…

One of my favorite Internet Marketers is Marlon Sanders. He may not be Mr. Fashion, but the guy knows Internet Marketing. He is awesome.

Marlon Sanders just posted a revealing, new video called:

“How To Promote In 3 Easy Steps (Click Here Now)”

Marlon Sanders: How to Promote in 3 Easy Steps

Here’s the link: Marlon’s Video (Click Here Now)

And it applies whether you have your own product or promote
affiliate products.

* What does it take to create online promos that work?
* What if the formula isn’t working for you?
* What if you promote but people don’t buy?
* How do you build your list?
* The solution to information overload and overwhelm
* Why your ppc ads may not be working

Marlon’s Video

Best wishes,

Albert Grande
The Pizza Promoter

P.S.  Give it a shot:
Click Below:
Marlon’s Video

P.P.S. If you promote anything on the Internet, you need to watch this video:
Marlon’s Video

The Butterfly Effect

You need to live your life with purpose and dedication.

You do make a difference with everything you do. What is amazing is the affect you have on everything and everyone around you.

As James Allen has stated:

“As a being of thought, your dominant mental attitude will determine your condition in life. It will also be the gauge of your knowledge and the measures of your attainment. The so-called limitations of your nature are the boundary lines of your thoughts; they are self-erected fences, and can be drawn to a narrower circle, extended to a wider, or be allowed to remain.

You are the thinker of your thoughts and as such you are the maker of yourself and condition. Thought is causal and creative, and appears in your character and life in the form of results. There are no accidents in your life. Both its harmonies and antagonisms are the responsive echoes of your thoughts. A man thinks, and his life appears.

If your dominant mental attitude is peaceable and lovable, bliss and blessedness will follow you; if it be resistant and hateful, trouble and distress will cloud your pathway. Out of ill-will will come grief and disaster; out of good-will, healing and reparation.”

You imagine your circumstances as being separate from yourself, but they are intimately related to your thought world. Nothing appears without an adequate cause. Everything that happens is just. Nothing is fated, everything is formed.”

Watch this short video:


onward, upward,


Why Your Business Needs Internet Marketing Services

Here is a true fact about consumers: around 85% of the market will go to the internet FIRST to search for a product or service. That means before they go to the Yellow Pages or dial a phone directory, your customers will search on the Internet for you. Understand, that is a very large portion of the market and it is an important fact to consider for your small business.

This is particularly true for Hawaii Small Business.

If you have a business, in Hawaii, or elsewhere, big or small, having exposure on the internet is extremely important due to the increasing popularity of the Internet. Your customers are now going online, from their cell phones, laptops, computers, etc. and if you are not there to be found… Your competitor WILL BE. That is a fact.

As a business owner, you most likely do not have the time to learn how to create websites, write and understand computer code, optimize your website for the search engines, get involved in social networking (twitter, Facebook, etc..), utilize article marketing, create videos or do anything related to internet marketing!

This information can be completely confusing, like Chinese to you, but it still needs to be done. This fact can’t be ignored.

If you want your business to succeed, and excel in today’s economy, it is vital that you look into getting an individual or a company to handle your internet marketing campaign, or at very least give you a consultation on as to what you need to do to get more exposure on the internet. It will not only make a substantial difference in your profits, but it will secure the future of your business.

You will also be able to create relationships with your exisiting customers as well as discover new customers with Internet exposure.

I’m here to help you in any way that I can. Please feel free to contact me. The information is contained on this page:

Albert Grande Hawaii Internet Marketing Consultant

Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir Go All Night Long

“We gonna pitch a Wang Dang Doodle all night long…”

I had heard the song a number of times, but I had no idea what it meant. One night at Hunt’s in Burlington, Vermont I got my answer.

Koko Taylor, had just finished a smoking set at Hunt’s closing with “Wang Dang Doodle”. Her band was heading outside for a quick break. As the drummer passed me, I asked him, What was a “wang dang doodle”.

“A fight” he answered. “It’s when a bunch of guys mix it up and start swinging.”

That song was one of Koko’s signature tunes. Now you know.

Here’s a great version with Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir on acoustic guitars. Bob Wasserman plays bass. Neil Young is playing harp.

The following was part of Neil Youngs annual fundraiser for the Bridge School.



Marlon Sanders On Old School Internet Marketing

I wanted to share this email I just recieved from Marlon Sanders.
Here is the link to his blog:
Marlon’s Blog

“Going Back To Square Freaking One”

Subtitle: What It Means To Be Old School

If you’re new to my list, my name is Marlon Sanders.

I AM what you call an old school marketer. Not old….
old school. I got started in this business back in 1978
when I read Ben Suarez book “SuperBiz ™in 1978 and also H.K.
Simon’s “Out of the Rat Race and into the chips.”

A lot of folks today don’t know about old school marketing
nor what it stands for. George Haylings made bank the old
school way back in the days of the great depression.

If it worked back then, it’ll sure work in today’s less chaotic

I’m writing this because a lot of foks have gotten lost somewhere
along the way. They got distracted by bright and shiny objects
and forget the simplicity of this business….

…..maybe you’re one of ’em.

If you’ve been in this business longer than 6 months and have
been buying courses and training and you haven’t made your
first $100 in sales, you may have lost your way.

If you’ve been in this business longer than a year and haven’t
sold at least $5,000 or $10,000, then you might have forgotten
what it means to be old school.

If you’re an old pro or veteran but somehow have lost your way,
you might have gotten sidetracked and forgotten the bare
simplicity of this business.

I want to talk about what it means to be “old school.”

1. Old school means you produce products.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with promoting affiliate products.
It’s true a lot of newbies get started that way. You can build
a list and start sending out emails selling affiliate products.

But the best way to build your list is with your own product.
And you can have one of those in 3 hours if you know what
you’re doing.

2. Old school means you promote what you produce.

Think of it like breathing.

You do it every day. It’s your essence.

You breathe in…that’s creating new life with the oxygen
that hits your blood stream.

That’s creating new products.

It’s your lifestream.

You breathe out.

That’s promoting…it’s an outward energy.

You go inside to produce…that’s breathing in. You go
outside to promote. That’s breathing out.

If you’re listening to someone telling you to do things
other than breathe in and out, that’s fine. But if it’s not
working for you, you might rethink what you’re doing.

3. Old school means you roll your own

There’s something to be said for hand made.

You can outsource lots of things. You can mechanize
lots of things. And you should.

But no one can replace the human spirit and soul.

And plr and automated this and that are great. I’ve
automated much of my business. But do you have


I’m a human being, not a machine. I’m here. I have
emotions. I have ups and downs like anyone else.

Like late last year when I was TRYING to be the only guy
in my city at age 51 to have a 6-pack (you know, lean
stomach area), and I ripped some muscles working out and
had to have surgery, that was a tough time for me.

I know some people read a few of my emails and wondered.

It was a very emotionally challenging time.

But that’s life. I don’t try to be something I’m not…at least
not on my good days when I’m my highest and best self.
And I recommend you do the same.

I don’t pretend to live in a million dollar house with a 1/4 million
car and Rolex watch.

I don’t need the watch, I got plenty of house and my car is
a warrior.

But one thing you can say about me is since day one in this
business I’ve been REAL and called it the way I saw it, even
if it meant going counter to the opinions of some of my
closest and best friends.

So I think old school is about being real. The day you
replace you in your business is the day the U is removed
from the word UNIQUE and the day the U is tripped out
of the term USP (unique selling proposition).

Marketers are a funny bunch.

The first thing they do on Twitter is load up a thousand
quotes that someone else wrote.

That’s not old school.

I don’t want to read a bunch of quotes you downloaded. I
want to know who YOU are what YOU think, even if
I disagree at times.

Even if you aren’t the biggest Mac Daddy of ’em all.

At least you’re real. And maybe I’m interested in what you
have to say.

4. Old school means getting things done

I love to talk on the phone.

My dogs (close friends) Jonathan Mizel, Declan Dunn,
Jason Fladlien, Kirt Christensen, Daegan Smith,
Ray Edwards, Paul Myers and others have probably lost
more than a day of production chatting on the phone.

But we share. And it means something to me.

One day I won’t be here to write this ezine. All the products
I got to create will be gone. All the sales letters will be
written. All the insights will be given. All the words will
be said.

I hope that at that time, people will look back and say,
“Marlon Sanders was real. He told the truth. He made me
a better marketer and a better person.”

That means you can’t just talk. You have to create. You
have to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.

All that means is your breath, your life, is creating and
selling and marketing and promoting.

That’s who I am.

That’s what I do.

And if you’re reading this ezine, then I suspect that’s who
you are or want to be.

It’s NOT the only way to run an Internet business.

Like I say, I’m Old School. I believe in stacking a few bills
in my bank account by creating a valuable product and promoting
it to others who can honestly benefit by it.

It’s a noble way to make a living.

A lot of people don’t get that. Selling is spiritual. You’re taking
a person with hopes and dreams of a better life and you’re lending
a helping hand.

You’re taking a person with problems and frustration and helping remove

You’re making the world a little better, more relaxed, more convenient,
more enjoyable and less problem laced place to be.

And that is a great, awesome thing.

The first thing some marketers want to do is remove the human spirit
and element.

And I guess some businesses operate that way.

I’m an Old School dog and I’ve been around the block. I’ve seen people
go to jail, even gurus. I’ve seen them make comebacks by turning over
a new leaf.

I’ve seen more gurus come and go than you can shake a stick at.

I’ve made more products than I can remember and sold most of ’em
pretty well.

How about you?

Have you lost your way?

Have you strayed from the way of the Old School?

If you have, then maybe it’s time you get back to breathing.

You find wants and needs, hopes and dreams, desires and

You create products.

You promote products.

This may sound like a daunting task if you’re new to this Game.

But over and over and over, people who take action prove you CAN produce
products with value in less time than you think. I’m NOT saying you need
to be perfect or produce the world’s greatest products.

I’m saying to put some of YOU into your products. Put some heart in
there. Put some soul in there.

Get out stuff that helps people. But get out a lot of it. You really do need
to be a Prolific Product Creator.

Old School means you get produts out and you sell ’em. And on the one
hand you don’t succumb to the need to be perfect.

That’s a trap.

On the other hand, you make sure you got a baker’s dozen in there.

It’s time.

It’s time, you and I and everyone else in this Game get back to a few simple

Finding out what people want. Creating lots of products and selling ’em good.
Breathing as a way of life.

Production and promotion.

Good gosh that’s simple.

How did we ever lose our way?

Maybe it’s time a little Old School finds its way back in your life.

If you aren’t working TODAY, this week on creating a new product or promoting
the one you got, then what are you freaking thinking?


What are you doing? Researching more and more and more until you’re certain?

Can you guarantee me you’ll wake up tomorrow?

If you can’t find certainty about that, how do you think you’ll find certainty about
whatever it is you’re trying to feel certain about?

Find your way back home.

Now. Today. It’s never too late.

This moment is all there is.

Embrace the Old School.





This is the straight and narrow path.

Welcome home.

My name is Marlon Sanders. I’ve been in this Game long as I can remember.
I am the King of Step-By-Step Internet marketing. And I cherish and relish
every moment life has given me to be in this Game.

Every day I wake up, suck down some coffee, and feel thankful for another
day to play the Game.

Old School Lives.

Play on.

Marlon Sanders
Marlon’s Blog
The King of Step-By-Step Internet Marketing

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy and the KING of Step-By-Step
Internet Marketing.”

To get on his killer ezine list, to get cheat sheets and all kinds
of other goodies every Saturday and during the week, to get simple,
to-the-point Internet marketing know that works real world without
all the hype, go to: Marlon’s Blog

Jack Canefield: How to Be Rich

Hered is some great advice on how to be rich.

Number 1: you have to decide that you want to be rich.

Number 2: Every morning when you get up and every night before you go to bed: visualize the rich life style that you weant for yourself.

This is important because it actually sends a message out to your unconsious mind.

So just program your unconscious mind: just set it and forget it!

Here’s a great video by Jack Canefield:

Albert Grande

Here is a program you may want to check out:

Jim Rohn: When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Appears…

Jim Rohn is a master teacher. He has a powerful message for all that are willing to listen.

In this brief talk, Rohn, explains how not being able to afford girl Scout Cookies change his entire outlook. He vowed he would never be in that position again.

He alos discusses how Earl Shoaff. Earl Shoaff taught Jim Rohn some very powerful lessons.

Listen adn discover the wisdom of Jim Rohn:


An incredible message from an inspirational speaker.

Here is an enitre success library:

To your absolute continued success,

Albert Grande
What You Think Becomes Reality

Back With Amazon, Again…

On July 1, my 10 year relationship with Amazon ended. I had been a successful affiliate for Amazon. I sold a lot of books, DVD, ccoking supplies and other items in the Amazon cataloge. I got a check every month form them.

There was nothing I had done to violate their Terms of Service (TOS).

The reason is that I live in Hawaii… I understand several other affiliate members living in other states (ie North Carolina) had also been terminated.

The Hawaii State Legistlators had passed a law taxing Amazon and other Internet businesses.

Fortunately, the bill was vetoed. Here’s what amzon said:

“Earlier this month, Governor Linda Lingle vetoed the unconstitutional tax collection scheme passed by the Hawaii legislature in HB 1405.

Because the effective date of that bill preceded both her veto and the legislature’s veto override session, we had little choice but to end our advertising relationships with all Hawaii-based participants in the Amazon Associates Program.

Now that the override session is over, and the legislature did not override Governor Lingle’s veto of HB 1405, we would like to invite all Hawaii Associates whose accounts were closed due to the pending legislation to re-enroll in the Associates Program.”

So for now, I’m back in the saddle with Amazon…

OK here are some fresh amazon links:

Thanks, amazon.

Albert Grande

The Power of Memory

The Dash Movie-

This is a very powerful film. Take a couple of minutes to discover the message.

This short film asks you to take a look at your life. Your hopes. Your dreams. And how you spend the time you have in your life.

John Lennon said: “Life is what happens, between making plans.”

Sp stop making plans and try living your life.

Make the time in between your dashes count.

Click below:

I need to work on my own dashes.

Be well. Stay well.

albert grande
Pizza Forever

Discover the Power of Memory Here