Category Archives: Self-Help

Seize The Moment

You may only have one chance.

Fear and doubt are thundering down on you like a freight train.

Whether or not you win the game of life, you have to decide how you will walk out of here when it is all said and done…

 You need to make sure you grab the opportunity…It’s all about you and your goals.

Will you reach them? Will you succeed?

You are in control. You are at the helm. It all comes down to what you do with it…

While the visuals in this video use sports as a backdrop, the message is a universal one.

The following can be applied to every action that you take in business and in life.

You need to decide… 

Have passion…then take action….

Here’s to you and your absolute success,

albert grande
Student of Life

To Make Money…Make Meaning

This is an incredible video by Guy Kawasaki.

It is very short, but it contains a very powerful message.

Guy says: If you want to make money and be successful in your business, you need to make meaning.

 Guy Kawasaki, founder and Managing Director of Garage Technology Ventures, spoke to Stanford University students.

He believes that those companies who set out to make a positive change in the world are the companies that will ultimately be the most successful. Kawasaki gives examples of the best way to make meaning: increase quality of life, right a wrong, and prevent the end of something good.

This is a great goal for all of us who are in business.

Remember to make meaning. Make meaning in your life. Make meaning in your community. Make meaning in your community.

Review your business goals. Look inside to see what you are trying to accomplish. you need to make meaning….

You cannot help but become a success!

Here’s looking at you, and your ultimate success!

How to Overcome the Mental Doubts

 One of my favorite old time marketers is Marlon Sanders.

Without a doubt, Marlon understands marketing in lots of different niches. To get started you need to have the correct mindset.  That really is the first step. I wanted to share the following article from Marlon about how you can overcome the one obvious thing that is holding you back…you.

 How to Overcome the Mental Doubts
That Hold You Back From Success

Subtitle:  Is a Thief Inside Your Head Stealing
Your Money?

I have another niche market I participate in and hope to sell
products in.

This niche market involves a sizable learning curve.  I see people
come and go in it all the time. 

And from my own experiences and those I observe, there is ONE
THING that  keeps people from making progress.  And that thing is
self doubt.

1.  You may doubt you have the ability to succeed in this business

You know, we all have self doubts.  In learning the new skills I’m
tell you about, I know I personally have had self doubt.  “Is this
something I can do?  Is this a  skill I can master?  Am I TOO

Yet, the conclusion I come back to over and over is that success
in ANY endeavor is the result of behaviors. Change the behaviors
and get the result.

Wherever you are, I’ve been there.  I know what it is to doubt
yourself or your ability. To not be sure if you have what it
takes.  To try and have your successes far outweighed by things
that didn’t work.

It’s easy to get discouraged.  To stop.  To quit. To think that
this is the end of the road for you.  In this new arena and skill
set area I’m working in, I’ve experienced all those feelings and
emotions and more. 

2.  You may doubt your progress

It’s so easy to look at a few successes against more failures and
think, “I’m not making progress.”

I think this is the hardest thing.  You have to tie a knot on your
mental rope and  hang on.  Because the truth is, things almost
always don’t work before they DO work.

You have to really tune up your focus on any successes you DO
have.  And notice the small successes.  So maybe you don’t have a
ton of sales yet. But you DO have people subscribing.  Or you DO
have some sales coming in regularly.

Or you DO have your blog up and you ARE getting visitors now from

You have to exaggerate mentally the successes you DO have because
those are what show you that you ARE making progress and ARE on
the right track.

3.  Others will rain on your parade

So you finally get to the point where things ARE starting to work.
All of a sudden in a forum or someplace, someone RAINS on your
parade. They criticize your model, your idea or your efforts. 

Maybe they tell you you are pipe dreaming.  Or chasing rainbows. 

And you let it get to you mentally, spiritually or psychically.

I don’t know why this happens.  Some people just aren’t very tuned
in.  You have to believe in yourself and what you’re doing more
than anyone else.  I don’t know why it’s that way. But it is.

4.  You may have a set back

Man, this one is a challenge.  You’re going along.  You’re making
progress. You’ve got some traffic. You’re getting subscribers.
Sales are coming in.

Then you have a set back.

Something happens in your life, your family, or some area that
holds you back or slows you down.

For me last year it was a quadruple hernia. Not exactly what I had
in mind for my year. 

But you move forward. That’s all you can do. 

5.  You may think or feel that finally you’ve reached a point
where “it isn’t working.”

Anytime you’re acquiring a complex set of skills, that can happen. 
It’s a signal to  do some things different. To up your Game.  To
tweak what you’re doing and how.

Solutions for You

Alright, let’s talk about solutions:

1.  Operate from a basic checklist

Do you have your autoresponders set up?  Do new customers go onto
your email list? Are you sending out emails?  Do you have a plan
or system for getting traffic that has a  realistic chance of
working?  Are you creating and promoting new products?  Do you
know HOW to do screen capture video and post it?  Do you have a
blog that looks good?

These are all basics. I’m covering most of them in the
Quick Start call and PDF I’m doing for my Writer’s Secret

But you don’t have to buy from me to do these things. I
make things easier so you have to figure less out. But the
important thing is you have a basic checklist.

2. Give yourself credit for SMALL improvements

Rome wasn’t built overnight. At first, your victories will
be much smaller than your defeats. That’s how it is in a
learning curve.

3. Tweak but don’t junk

Tweak your game plan but don’t throw the baby out with the
bath water. You’ve got to believe in your basic game plan.

4. Know who to IGNORE

Just because someone sounds like they know what they’re
talking about and they criticize you does NOT mean you
should listen to them.

Everyone has a point of view and belief system. Maybe
THEIRS is the one jacked up. Not everyone wants to build
the same type of business or has the same vision.

5. Do the fundamentals first

If you can’t write a headline, can’t put up a squeeze
page, can’t write a guarantee, can’t write and send an
email, can’t set up an affiliate program, can’t compile a
PDF, can’t make a Camtasia video that’s decent — if you
can’t do those things, go back to the fundamentals.

It’s so easy to get distracted by bright and shiny

But what I’ve found is that success is the cumulative
result of layering basic upon basic and skill upon skill.

You know, it’s a cumulative result. That does NOT mean it
has to take forever or a long time.

My great pal, friend and inspiration, Jason Fladlien,
mastered huge chunks of this business very quickly. It CAN
be done. Still, he started with the fundamentals like
copywriting and mastered the basics.

You gotta be able to write headlines, bullet points,
offers and guarantees.

You gotta have your affiliate program. And so forth.

6. Realize that EVERYONE has self doubt

I think one of the biggest obstacles to succeeding is
doubting your smart enough, good enough and so forth.

At the same time, smart or good alone doesn’t do it. You
have to put into effect the right chunks of the business.
You gotta get the pieces in place. The foundations.

7. Value doing things

The single most important thing you can DO is something.
Just DO things and watch the results. Then tweak and try

You’ll never succeed without DOING.

So get curious what would happen if you DO this? Or DO

Find some way, some how that you can enjoy the DOING. The
BEST way I know of to do that is to get curious. And think
about it….if you found yourself getting really curious
about the results of DOING things, how would that change
the quality and quantity of activity you take now and in
the future?

And if you found yourself getting really curious about
THAT, what might that look like? How would things change?

Enjoy the process.

Fear of making mistakes holds people back. Curiosity about
what would happen if you take action makes things happen.

It’s easier to tweak a process in motion than it is to get
in motion.

Get in motion.

It’s half of success. Just getting in motion.

1. You gotta see opportunity

Where are your underserved people or topics?

2. You gotta get in motion

Take some action to exploit the opportunity

3. You gotta produce and promote

It may not be pretty at first. It may not make a fortune.
But if you find yourself getting really curious about what
would happen once you became a producer and a promoter,
then you’re almost there.

A week or two ago I showed you a new blog I put up. I’m
still working on getting my ducks in a row. But it has
ALREADY opened doors and I’ve met people who can help
parts of it happen.

And all I did was put up a blog. There isn’t even a video
on it. There’s just a basic graphic and a blog template.

Success favors those who take action and do things just
out of the curiosity to know what MIGHT or COULD happen.

Marlon Sanders
The King of Step-By-Step Internet Marketing and
“The Ambassador of Old School Marketing”
Marlon’s Blog
Marlon Sanders helps people with hopes and dreams figure
out how to turn those into reality by selling stuff on
the Internet.   
The Red Factor Report

The Best Time to Solve A Problem

I found this article on on Qondio, a site which helps you promote content. You can view my profile (and join) if you have anything to promote, at this link.

I found this to be great advice for anyone who is stuck with an issue. This works for business as well as, life issues.

The Best Time to Solve A Problem

By Nick Radovanovic

Before I begin, I’d like to take a minute explaining that I am not the type to read self-help books or attend motivational seminars. I would much rather read a novel set in 19th century Russia than Rich Dad, Poor Dad. If you speak to highly successful people, none of them have motivational books in their bookshelf, anyway.
I’ve always believed that I alone can come up with the inner strength needed to tackle life’s problems and attain my objectives.

However, there is one quote from a successful person that has given me a tremendous boost, and vastly improved my ability to juggle my workload. One single sentence turned out to be a gift which I treasure to this day.

The quote came from Carlos Ghosn. This is an amazing character who went from most-villified person in Japan to semi-deity, in a matter of months.

Back in the late 1990’s, when Japan’s economy was doing badly (and the rest of the world was still doing well), the French automaker Renault bought a stake in Nissan, which was on the verge of bankruptcy. They sent in Ghosn (pronounced Goan), a Brazilian of Lebanese decent, to run Nissan.

Ghosn’s instatement as CEO of Nissan was a major cultural shock in Japan. People were used to the idea of Japanese companies buying up businesses all over the world, but to have a foreign company buy up a major domestic automaker and put a Caucasian in charge to run it was a like a bomb exploding in the middle of Tokyo.

The name Nissan happens to mean, Japan Made.

A foreigner could not possibly understand the uniquely Japanese way of doing business, or the finer points of Japanese culture that had allowed Japan to be what it was.

Ghosn did not disappoint his detractors. He closed factories and laid off thousands – something no Japanese CEO would have dared to do. Ghosn was everyone’s worst nightmare. He was the devil incarnate. To image the degree to which people hated him, bring to mind the way liberals in the US felt about George W Bush.

But a scant one or two years later, Nissan was raking in record profits. Nissan cars were hot again and selling like hotcakes. New factories were being built. Almost overnight, Ghosn became one of the most respected persons in the country. People literally genuflected before him. He became, and still is, something of a deity. Japanese reporters interviewing him used a reverent tone normally reserved for the imperial family.

Of course, foreign reporters from news organizations such as the BBC would have none of this. They asked hard questions. I remember an interview Ghosn gave just as Nissan was starting to emerge from its darkest days. Someone asked him why he hadn’t negotiated further with the unions (or something like that).

Ghosn said, “The best time to solve a problem, is now.”

In other words, a problem may be unpleasant, but the effort required to solve it will only increase with time. Solving the problem now will remove the problem from the list of problems to solve, and free up time and resources for more productive tasks. Therefore, it is expedient, more efficient, and easier to solve the problem as soon as possible. Not later, not tomorrow, but now, as in right this minute.

The best time to solve a problem is now.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but that sentence would change my productivity forever. I gradually started hearing this phrase every time I faced an unpleasant task. Whenever I confront something that needs to be done, I hesitate momentarily. The option of ignoring the problem and carrying on presents itself. It is tempting to pretend the problem doesn’t exist, or to just push it back to the queue for handling ‘later’. But I then conjure up Ghosn’s magic words, like a spell.

The best time to solve a problem is now.

Right! I then jump right in and start dealing with the problem without any hesitation. Done! I can remove the problem from my to-do list.

Ghosn’s spell works for domestic chores. Notice something untidy? Pick it up and restore it to its position there and then – otherwise you’ll soon have to spend a whole day, or even weekend, cleaning up and setting things straight.

I used to have a permanent pile of unwashed dishes. If I needed a particular knife, I’d often need to wash it, dry it, and then use it. Nowadays, I still have a stack of unwashed dishes – I process them in batches – but the stack is much smaller, and I never have unwashed pots or pans or other items that are used frequently. It is such a luxury to be able to have any item available when I need it.

It works for business, too. Something not functioning? Fixing it now will allow more time for dealing with ancillary problems brought up during the fixing process. It minimizes revenue lost and frees up time and resources for investing in new capaibilities.

A problem usually turns out to be much easier to deal with than anticipated. Unsolved, it hangs over us, like a gloomy cloud, dampening our spirits. But when tackled, it turns out to be not as bad as we thought. By dealing with a problem now, rather than later, we are reducing the time the gloomy cloud can cast a shadow over our life.

Like any rule of thumb, the rule has exceptions. If you continue solving problems one after another, you’ll never get any sleep. So you have to have a cut-off time for all your problem solving activity. But generally, Ghosn’s wisdom holds true for just about any problem.

Wisdom from Will Smith…

The more I think about it, I realize the real secret to successs is to have the proper mindset.

Will Smith is a great actor and a wonderful role model. The following video is a compilation of several Will Smith interviews. You will discover some wonderful nuggets of wisdom. And you don’t have to dig that deeep….

Listen to will Smith as he explains:

Here’s a brand new freebie PDF (no opt-in required)
from my good friend Marlon Sanders, click here

Best Wishes,
Albert Grande

P.S. This may not be available long, so download it now, click here now.

The Butterfly Effect

You need to live your life with purpose and dedication.

You do make a difference with everything you do. What is amazing is the affect you have on everything and everyone around you.

As James Allen has stated:

“As a being of thought, your dominant mental attitude will determine your condition in life. It will also be the gauge of your knowledge and the measures of your attainment. The so-called limitations of your nature are the boundary lines of your thoughts; they are self-erected fences, and can be drawn to a narrower circle, extended to a wider, or be allowed to remain.

You are the thinker of your thoughts and as such you are the maker of yourself and condition. Thought is causal and creative, and appears in your character and life in the form of results. There are no accidents in your life. Both its harmonies and antagonisms are the responsive echoes of your thoughts. A man thinks, and his life appears.

If your dominant mental attitude is peaceable and lovable, bliss and blessedness will follow you; if it be resistant and hateful, trouble and distress will cloud your pathway. Out of ill-will will come grief and disaster; out of good-will, healing and reparation.”

You imagine your circumstances as being separate from yourself, but they are intimately related to your thought world. Nothing appears without an adequate cause. Everything that happens is just. Nothing is fated, everything is formed.”

Watch this short video:


onward, upward,


The Dash Movie-

This is a very powerful film. Take a couple of minutes to discover the message.

This short film asks you to take a look at your life. Your hopes. Your dreams. And how you spend the time you have in your life.

John Lennon said: “Life is what happens, between making plans.”

Sp stop making plans and try living your life.

Make the time in between your dashes count.

Click below:

I need to work on my own dashes.

Be well. Stay well.

albert grande
Pizza Forever

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