Category Archives: Law of Attraction

To Make Money…Make Meaning

This is an incredible video by Guy Kawasaki.

It is very short, but it contains a very powerful message.

Guy says: If you want to make money and be successful in your business, you need to make meaning.

 Guy Kawasaki, founder and Managing Director of Garage Technology Ventures, spoke to Stanford University students.

He believes that those companies who set out to make a positive change in the world are the companies that will ultimately be the most successful. Kawasaki gives examples of the best way to make meaning: increase quality of life, right a wrong, and prevent the end of something good.

This is a great goal for all of us who are in business.

Remember to make meaning. Make meaning in your life. Make meaning in your community. Make meaning in your community.

Review your business goals. Look inside to see what you are trying to accomplish. you need to make meaning….

You cannot help but become a success!

Here’s looking at you, and your ultimate success!

How Gary Went From $18,000 a Year To $400,000 a Year

I wanted to share with you this article by Marlon Sanders. He showases the Power of Belief.

There is magic in these described in the follwoing story. Best of all the magic is in you….

How do you go from being an insurance salesman to a 475,000 person

It’s an interesting story.  The other day I was at a bookstore as
I’m prone to do. And I saw this DVD called Tapping and it had a
testimonial on it by Joe Vitale.  I remembered last year that when I
hung out with Joe and Pat, he mentioned that he did this thing
called Tapping.

I bought the DVD and got sucked into a very fascinating story….

His name is Gary Craig.

At age 30 he was making $18,000/year selling insurance.  He met a
man named Dick Oakley from Pace seminars who told him to use this
simple affirmation:

“I earn, easily and consistently, $40,000 per year.”

I believe Pace seminars were originated by James W. Newman author of
the outstanding book:  “Release Your Brakes.”

See, Dick told him he was driving with his brakes on.  And to change
his income he needed to change the programming inside his head.

He started with the affirmation of making $40,000 a year because
that was more than double his income but still within what he
believed was possible.

The other important part of the wording was “easily and
consistently.”  He didn’t say he had to grit his teeth and work 12
hour days.

He started saying that affirmation 20-30X per day, not knowing HOW
he was going to do it.

Before long, we exeeded the $40,000 a year, so he raised it to
$60,000 then $80,000 up to $400,000.

You can READ the whole in-depth story here:

It’s the best single thing I’ve ever read on doing affirmations.

At some point, he owned his own stock brokerage business but left
that to start a web business!

He created a whole self development method built around what someone
else had already pioneered.  Roger Callahan developed a method for
eliminating phobias, anxiety and other things using an unusual
method called “Tapping.”

Gary Craig worked with him for awhile then developed his USP which
was  basically the Roger Callahan method with the USP of SPEED.

He called his spinoff method “EFT” for emotional freedom technique.

He developed a program where others could get trained in his methods
and developed what I’d call a massive affiliate base, even though it
wasn’t your traditional affiliate method.

He innovated some cool things.

But the main points are these:

1.  He created a whole ebook on his method that was his freebie on
his web site.

As a result he built up a 475,000 person email list.  He got a TON
of links that ebook from other sites which gave him awesome seo

2.  He made his money on the back end selling dvd’s, workshops,
certification and so forth.

3.  He published a regular newsletter of articles and success
stories to his email list.

There’s NOTHING here you don’t know how to do in that it’s things I
talk about all the time.

The best source of traffic is affiliates.  But he also worked the
seo angle by putting all the newsletters on his web site which
became a ton of content.

4.  He put a lot of videos on his web site to pull people into his
funnel. The videos were mostly success stories/case studies:

Now, the point is NOT whether you think his method is valid or not.

The point is he did the SAME things you know to do.  Put success
stories on your web sites and blogs.  Have a great freebie to build
your email list. Build an affiliate base.  Publish content on your
blog and use it for your seo.

What’s so fascinating about this is Gary Craig didn’t INVENT the
core method.  He took what Roger Callahan developed and put his own
USP spin on it.

Speed.   That’s always a great USP.

He added a great freebie, newsletters, a forum, and a heck of an
affiliate base and people with a vested interest in his success.

The way he did that is a bit more complex than I have time to go
into here. He innovated with a few clever ideas.  But the point is,
he followed a known model, added really great marketing to it
and passion, and made it a huge success.

Unfortunately, all isn’t well for Gary.  He had a heart attack
and as such decided to retire, so his dvd’s aren’t for sale any
longer. I offered to fulfill them for him and/or buy the rights to
them but for his own reasons he declined.

The thing about Gary is he’s a relentless promoter. I admire that.
He reminds me in that aspect of Joe Vitale.  You know, Joe is a
great promoter and relentless about it because he just flat out
loves doing it.

If he DID want to sell his business, I’m sure he could sell it for
millions.  The assets he built up, the list, the affiliate base, the
products, the inbound links have a very high value.

I don’t get that Gary did what he did for the money and I don’t get
that he needs money from my very short conversation with him.


1.  The affirmation method works and is worth using

The book Release Your Brakes by James W. Newman explains the method
in depth.  And you can read the article by Gary Craig:

2.  Realize that the gist of this story is doing what you know to

a.  Have a killer freebie on your web site just like he has his
freebie ebook.

b.  Build your list, duh!

c.  Develop a great affiliate base

d.  Publish success stories in a newsletter or an ezine and use it
for search engine fodder.

e.  Have a back end.

f.  Be prolific

g.  Promote relentlessly

Marlon Sanders is the author of“The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy
and the KING of Step-By-Step
Internet Marketing.”

Check out The Amazing Formula Here

To get on his killer ezine list, to get cheat sheets and all kinds
of other goodies every Saturday and during the week, to get simple,
to-the-point Internet marketing know that works real world without
all the hype, go to: and subscribe

Check out all my products here:

The Best of Marlon

Here are more Internet Marketing resources for you:

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Wisdom from Will Smith…

The more I think about it, I realize the real secret to successs is to have the proper mindset.

Will Smith is a great actor and a wonderful role model. The following video is a compilation of several Will Smith interviews. You will discover some wonderful nuggets of wisdom. And you don’t have to dig that deeep….

Listen to will Smith as he explains:

Here’s a brand new freebie PDF (no opt-in required)
from my good friend Marlon Sanders, click here

Best Wishes,
Albert Grande

P.S. This may not be available long, so download it now, click here now.

The Butterfly Effect

You need to live your life with purpose and dedication.

You do make a difference with everything you do. What is amazing is the affect you have on everything and everyone around you.

As James Allen has stated:

“As a being of thought, your dominant mental attitude will determine your condition in life. It will also be the gauge of your knowledge and the measures of your attainment. The so-called limitations of your nature are the boundary lines of your thoughts; they are self-erected fences, and can be drawn to a narrower circle, extended to a wider, or be allowed to remain.

You are the thinker of your thoughts and as such you are the maker of yourself and condition. Thought is causal and creative, and appears in your character and life in the form of results. There are no accidents in your life. Both its harmonies and antagonisms are the responsive echoes of your thoughts. A man thinks, and his life appears.

If your dominant mental attitude is peaceable and lovable, bliss and blessedness will follow you; if it be resistant and hateful, trouble and distress will cloud your pathway. Out of ill-will will come grief and disaster; out of good-will, healing and reparation.”

You imagine your circumstances as being separate from yourself, but they are intimately related to your thought world. Nothing appears without an adequate cause. Everything that happens is just. Nothing is fated, everything is formed.”

Watch this short video:


onward, upward,


Napoleon Hill On the Secret of Success

Think and Grow Rich from Napoleon Hill

Naploeon Hill emabarked on an incredible mission.

Think and Grow Rich was commissioned by Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie was interested in what common thread existed through all successful men.

Carnegie asked Napoleon Hill to find out why some people had everything they desired, while others constantly struggled!

He shares his insights in Think and Grow Rich.

I have read and reread Think and Grow Rich several times.

Some contend Think and Grow Rich was the basis for The book is a masterpiece. As a matter of fact, watch part of The Secret and download a copy of Think and Grow Rich on this page.

Listen and watch as Napoleon Hill discusses his greatest secret.
This is all about the law of attraction.


Listen, learn and follow Napoleon’s life lessons.

albert grande