Category Archives: Internet Products
Stop Over Complicating Your Internet Business
Guest blogger Marlon Sanders reveals a simple step by step method to get started with Internet Marketing.
Pay attention to this post, as it really could have been the chapter of a book.
STOP OVERCOMPLICATING: The only 5 things you gotta do
and how to get ’em done in a few weekends.
By Marlon Sanders
Marketing 101 is to get a list of people and sell
something to ’em.
That’s about as basic as it gets.
Step one: Get traffic
Step two: Get people on your list
Step three: Give ’em an offer to erase your traffic cost
Step four: Get ’em to confirm their email address
Step five: Send ’em emails that get ’em to buy
Now, you can SIMPLIFY that even more by saying:
Get traffic, get ’em on a list, send emails and
make sales.
You can get most of these things done in one or two
There, now you have the “magical formula’ for making
money online. How does it feel?
Of course, as with all things, the devil is in the
details. For example, one fly in the ointment is people
don’t have a target market.
I solved that with so I won’twaste time on here.
I think I also cover that topic well in Product Dashboard and my Produce Promote course.
You can also
learn to create products, here.
Another fly in the ointment is having a product to sell.
You START by selling affiliate products or PLR. But you
create your own product in ONE WEEKEND if you’re halfway
Or you can start by selling affiliates products. Private
label rights. Affiliate products. They DO work to start.
Your own products are better. But hey, it’s better to get
going than to do nothing.
You can write a report or do 5-7 screen capture videos
that are 10-20 minutes long using either Power Point
slides or a mindmap as your talking points.
Beyond those two sticking points, the next BIG question is:
“So how do I get those people ON my list to begin with?”
The answer is: Offer them something free that they
really want.
The more they want it, the higher your conversion rate
on your squeeze page, that is the page that gets ’em
to give you their name and email.
There is no “magic formula” for the write freebie to give.
Some target audiences might like videos, or audios, or
cd’s or podcasts.
In the past, there was an import company called Mellinger
that build a multi-million dollar business running
classified ads in dozens of magazines offering a free
sample import. And they taught you how to run an import/
export business.
Their freebie was a free sample import.
If you’re offering a free report, audio or video, the KEY
is simply the title you give it.
It’s no more complicated than that.
They have to REALLY want whatever the secret you’re offering
is. If they really wanna know about it, they’ll opt in. If
they don’t, they won’t.
The format of audio, video, ebook or whatever is secondary
to the topic and the secret being offered.
Your actual name squeeze page can be ultra simple. Eben
proved that with Or you can be a tad
Here’s my squeeze page that I’ve shown before. It’s not
exactly a work of art but before you laugh, it’s averaging
50%+ opt ins.
The BIG secret is that I had to do 10 or more squeeze pages
to find ONE that converted at 50% or over. I didn’t get it
right my first time out.
I showed on the Traffic Dashboard webinar yesterday that
some of those test squeeze pages only got 5% to 8% opt ins.
But then ONE stood out with 69% opt-in rate. And that’s
the one I use now.
It’s not hard to do some graphics in Power Point or
Photoshop Elements, drop them into Kompozer or Dreamweaver
and create your own squeeze page.
You can even hire it out for as little as 5 bucks
(we discussed how to do this on the Traffic Dashboard
webinars this week).
Should you use a name squeeze page?
How do you come up with a great title for your freebie?
Look at the things that grab YOUR attention. That’s a good
start. Look at magazine article titles, subject lines of
emails, and so forth.
When something grabs your attention, ask yourself “why?”
Why did that grab your attention?
So step one is:
1. Find something your target market really wants to
have, see or know.
2. Offer it to them in exchange for joining your list.
It’s no more complicated than that.
Now you have people on your list. Step two: Send emails
that continue value and on occasion sell something.
There are advanced methods, secrets and little tricks
for name squeeze pages, follow up emails and all that.
But you START with the basics.
Target your group of people. Get ’em on your list.
Send ’em emails.
Listen, in ONE WEEKEND you can write an ebook. 50 pages.
You can do that in one weekend.
In one hour you can write 10 bullets and ask a designer
to create a name squeeze page for you.
Excellent graphic designer who knows how to create a nice
name squeeze page for ya.
In one weekend you can create a few Camtasia videos people
get as a freebie when they join from your name squeeze page.
You can EVEN do like Eben USED to do on
and answer all the bullets on the next PAGE. In the old
days, Eben NEVER sent a freebie. Your freebies were all
delivered on the next page after you join his list.
I’ve seen people do that with a video also. They’d deliver
the info on a video then do a little mini-pitch.
Get a stupid name squeeze page DONE! Get a freebie you
offer in exchange for a name and email. Get it DONE!
I’ve seen people use PLR (private label rights) as their
freebie and get 50%+ opt-ins with it.
I’ve seen people use PLR and also affiliate products as
their offer on the thank you page after people opt in, and
I’ve seen it be very profitable.
My friend Winter Valco made $15,000 last January 2010 by
selling a series of TEN PLR products after people joined
his email list. Some were one time offers and some were
sold via email.
Write your ebook in ONE WEEKEND. 50 pages. THREE PAGES
per hour. Ten hours in a day. That is 30 pages per day.
60 pages in two days.
DONE! Finished. Get on with it. If it needs editing,
send it off to an Elancer.
Don’t like to write? Do screen capture videos. With
practice, you can bang out 5-7 ten to fifteen minute videos
in 3 hours or less. Your first few times out will take
Don’t wanna write or talk? Then stop the excuses and get
started with plr and affiliate products.
Don’t got a target market. Or Or my Produce Promote course. Can’t
do graphics. Hire Guru Ryan NOW and then get Design
Dashboard and get some SKILLS going for yourself.
It’s a GREAT product. Great stuff. Yeah, Adobe has a new
version of Elements. So one or two things changed on the
videos. But really, you CAN figure it out. For the most
part, they changed the COLORS of the program but not the
core functions.
It isn’t complicated.
You draw boxes. You insert photos. You add a border or
shadow. You create a gradient. You add a pattern.
Understand layers.
Understand how to use the canvass.
Understand how to lock layers and view layers.
Know how to add a stroke on text or graphics.
Know how to add a background image or color to a table.
That’s about all things we do in Photoshop and Dreamweaver.
You could learn them in a few hours if you set your MIND
to it. We use like 3% of the total abilities of Photoshop.
It’s EASY to learn.
Dreamweaver. Insert tables. Center. Add background image.
Insert picture. Insert graphics.
That’s your html editor or Dreamweaver basics.
If you don’t have the money for Dreamweaver, don’t sweat it.
Kompozer is a freebie download and lots of folks use it.
I think in Design Dashboard we used First Page for html
the 2006 version (the last version produced).
Hey, it STILL works! No problemo.
Now, Photoshop. Layers, gradients, patterns. Saving for
the web.
Basic, basic, basic stuff.
And if you don’t wanna even learn THOSE basics, for dirt
cheap you can hire some pretty good designers nowadays.
Of course, there’s the perenntial “Where do I get TRAFFIC
from?” question. And now that too is answered at:
Let me ask you a question: Can you think of ONE STUPID
THING your target audience or market REALLY wants to have,
see or know?
Can you think of ONE THING?
If you can, write 10 bullet points on it.
Open html editor.
Insert table.
Type headline. Select font. Choose dark blue as color.
Type bullet points.
Go to aweber, or Get Response.
Create form. Copy html. Past in code in html editor.
Name squeeze. DONE! See for example.
Now, you have a list in Aweber, Getresponse or
Send emails.
Don’t know HOW to put the autoresponder code on your page?
Hey, no problemo:
Now, sign up for affiliate products at Commission Junction
or Clickbank. Send emails. Sell.
The MOST important things are:
1. You MUST have one reliable method to get traffic to
your squeeze page.
You can use article marketing, organic seo, ad swaps, solo
emails, “the epiphany”, $7 offers or any of the other
methods I covered in the Traffic Dashboard webinars this
week, or any of the methods in the Traffic Dashboard itself.
They all work.
2. You MUST have a 40%+ opt in rate email capture page
I’ve covered this in detail in past ezine issues.
But you gotta have one. My tip is to create TEN to get ONE
that produces at over 50%.
But that one can make you a lot of dough and is 100%
worth it.
3. You MUST have a one time offer that works and partially
or fully erases your advertising costs.
A great OTO allows you to break even on your ad costs, thus
making the building of your list a no-cost event.
A super duper one returns 2 bucks for every buck you spend.
My friend Corey Lewis has one like that.
4. If you’re double opt-in, you MUST test different
confirmation emails and thank you pages until you get a
combination that works really great. Right now I’m at 60%
confirmation but I’m not happy with that and will continue
5. You MUST send offers via email
Affiliate offers are fine but learn how to create your own
pre-sell pages.
Learn how to send “free-to-join” offers.
Learn how to create your own little 7 dollar, 100%
commission offers. We talked about this on the webinar
yesterday also. My friend Jason Fladlien practically built
his whole business with these to start with.
You’ll spend about a month learning how to do ppc, or
specialize in any ONE method in “The Traffic Dashboard.”
You do NOT need to do all of them to start with.
Pick ONE and do just it for a month. Then go from there.
Set up your affiliate program using
These are the BASICS.
This is how you make money in this business if you’re
curious and really don’t “get it.”
Get the basics done. Like starting NOW.
Best wishes,
Marlon Sanders is the author of The Traffic Dashboard and
You can snag your copy at:
How to Succeed With Your Internet Business
Listen, there a lot of ways to make money on-line.
There is adsense, affiliate programs, creating products and videos. Here is the best way to ensure success: Internet Success System.
If I could distill all of the truth about Internet Success in one word it would be marketing. You need to know how to use the tools of marketing in order to excel on the Internet.
You need a great teacher. You need a great mentor. You need someone who has been there and who has done it. You need someone you can learn from.
You need someone you can know, like and trust. And let me introduce you to the person who originated the saying.
His name is Mark Hendricks. He created a system called the Internet Success System.
He is an Internet Marketer who I respect greatly. Mark is doing something he has never done.
He is offering a 30 day free trial to Internet Success System..
Listen: over the years I have spent thousands on Internet Marketing products. Thousands.
Some of them were great. Some of them were so so. And (though I hate to admit it,) some of them were a complete waste of time and money.
But Internet Success System paid me dividends. And still pays me dividends. It is one of the best investments I have ever made.
Internet Success System. is a program I recommend totally, without hesitation or reservation.
First of all, the foundation of Internet Success System., is a series of 13 modules. These include everything you need to know about marketing on line. It starts with the basic thing you need which is Mind Set. It continues with modules on competive analysis, products, your marketplace, joint ventures, traffic and listbuilding, infrasructure, testing and more.
Everything you need to know is contained in these modules. Add to this a huge library of vidoes, ebooks, and you have a massive amount of knowledge you can have about becoming a marketing master.
Here is another incredible bonus: every month, Mark hosts Internet Success System. audios. He has them all archived and available to download. These calls go back to 2005.
Honestly, if you just take a look, you will be amazed. Amazed!
Here is the deal: he is offering to let you in the front door for free. You can take a peek at everything contained at zero risk. Then you can continue your membership for $10.00 per month, if you wish. Or you can cancel before the 30 days are up.
I gladly pay for my membership month after month. To me it is not an expense it is an investment. An investment in my own learning and growing as an Internet Marketer.
I’ve made a lot of mistakes. Joining Internet Success System was not one of them.
It was one of the best things I have ever done.
You owe it to yourself and your own success, to at least take a look and decide for yourself. Here is the link: Internet Success System
To your absolute success,
Albert Grande
Internet Marketer and
The Pizza Promoter
Talk is Cheap With Dragon Naturally Speaking
I have struggled with my writing for quite some time…Not that I can’t write. I can write fairly well.
I like to write. Editing takes a lot of time but, I like to write.
Here’s my problem…I am a terrible typist. It takes me a long time to type out the words I want to get out. I can think and talk a lot faster than I can type. I think a lot of people have the same problem. Do you?
I’ve watched the speech to writing software for a while. Hey it looks like it can really cut down on the time it takes for me to type.
The problem was the expense. It semed like a lot of money…Hey I’m a cheapo.
I just recently found an offer I could not refuse. Here it is:
Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Standard software with a 63% savings. So I went for it. I just ordered it. I’m not sure how long it will be this price. I think it is an incredible deal. Incredible.
And I wanted to share this deal with you. You can get it here at a great price. Plus it comes with a headset. Sweet!
So I plan on using it to update my blogs, my web pages, my reviews and anytime I have to type something. And I type a lot….
As I said it’s an offer I can’t refuse. and I hope you take a look at it as well.
If you are like me this could save you a lot of time. Hey talk is cheap and time is after all money.
I plan on giving a report on how I make out with this. But at this price, it is something you should not let slip by…
check this out, now; just click on this link >>> Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Standard<<<
Stay well,
More Tips for Sales Success
Here are more tips from Danny:
4. Feature/Benefit
I shouldn’t even have to say it, but every feature should show the customer a benefit. It’s Sales 101. If you don’t know about this part of sales…find a basic sales class and sign up. You’re not ready to talk to customers.
Even though it’s a no brainer…I HAVE to mention it here. It’s crucial. Features mean cost…benefits mean solutions to needs, wants, or problems.
If your customers can’t tell that you are the expert, it’ll be up to them to make the decisions. If they rely on you as the best source of information, they’ll be more comfortable with you making decisions for them, ultimately leading to a successful close.
Even though it’s a no brainer…I HAVE to mention it here. It’s crucial. Features mean cost…benefits mean solutions to needs, wants, or problems.
If your customers can’t tell that you are the expert, it’ll be up to them to make the decisions. If they rely on you as the best source of information, they’ll be more comfortable with you making decisions for them, ultimately leading to a successful close.
How Gary Went From $18,000 a Year To $400,000 a Year
I wanted to share with you this article by Marlon Sanders. He showases the Power of Belief.
There is magic in these described in the follwoing story. Best of all the magic is in you….
How do you go from being an insurance salesman to a 475,000 person
It’s an interesting story. The other day I was at a bookstore as
I’m prone to do. And I saw this DVD called Tapping and it had a
testimonial on it by Joe Vitale. I remembered last year that when I
hung out with Joe and Pat, he mentioned that he did this thing
called Tapping.
I bought the DVD and got sucked into a very fascinating story….
His name is Gary Craig.
At age 30 he was making $18,000/year selling insurance. He met a
man named Dick Oakley from Pace seminars who told him to use this
simple affirmation:
“I earn, easily and consistently, $40,000 per year.”
I believe Pace seminars were originated by James W. Newman author of
the outstanding book: “Release Your Brakes.”
See, Dick told him he was driving with his brakes on. And to change
his income he needed to change the programming inside his head.
He started with the affirmation of making $40,000 a year because
that was more than double his income but still within what he
believed was possible.
The other important part of the wording was “easily and
consistently.” He didn’t say he had to grit his teeth and work 12
hour days.
He started saying that affirmation 20-30X per day, not knowing HOW
he was going to do it.
Before long, we exeeded the $40,000 a year, so he raised it to
$60,000 then $80,000 up to $400,000.
You can READ the whole in-depth story here:
It’s the best single thing I’ve ever read on doing affirmations.
At some point, he owned his own stock brokerage business but left
that to start a web business!
He created a whole self development method built around what someone
else had already pioneered. Roger Callahan developed a method for
eliminating phobias, anxiety and other things using an unusual
method called “Tapping.”
Gary Craig worked with him for awhile then developed his USP which
was basically the Roger Callahan method with the USP of SPEED.
He called his spinoff method “EFT” for emotional freedom technique.
He developed a program where others could get trained in his methods
and developed what I’d call a massive affiliate base, even though it
wasn’t your traditional affiliate method.
He innovated some cool things.
But the main points are these:
1. He created a whole ebook on his method that was his freebie on
his web site.
As a result he built up a 475,000 person email list. He got a TON
of links that ebook from other sites which gave him awesome seo
2. He made his money on the back end selling dvd’s, workshops,
certification and so forth.
3. He published a regular newsletter of articles and success
stories to his email list.
There’s NOTHING here you don’t know how to do in that it’s things I
talk about all the time.
The best source of traffic is affiliates. But he also worked the
seo angle by putting all the newsletters on his web site which
became a ton of content.
4. He put a lot of videos on his web site to pull people into his
funnel. The videos were mostly success stories/case studies:
Now, the point is NOT whether you think his method is valid or not.
The point is he did the SAME things you know to do. Put success
stories on your web sites and blogs. Have a great freebie to build
your email list. Build an affiliate base. Publish content on your
blog and use it for your seo.
What’s so fascinating about this is Gary Craig didn’t INVENT the
core method. He took what Roger Callahan developed and put his own
USP spin on it.
Speed. That’s always a great USP.
He added a great freebie, newsletters, a forum, and a heck of an
affiliate base and people with a vested interest in his success.
The way he did that is a bit more complex than I have time to go
into here. He innovated with a few clever ideas. But the point is,
he followed a known model, added really great marketing to it
and passion, and made it a huge success.
Unfortunately, all isn’t well for Gary. He had a heart attack
and as such decided to retire, so his dvd’s aren’t for sale any
longer. I offered to fulfill them for him and/or buy the rights to
them but for his own reasons he declined.
The thing about Gary is he’s a relentless promoter. I admire that.
He reminds me in that aspect of Joe Vitale. You know, Joe is a
great promoter and relentless about it because he just flat out
loves doing it.
If he DID want to sell his business, I’m sure he could sell it for
millions. The assets he built up, the list, the affiliate base, the
products, the inbound links have a very high value.
I don’t get that Gary did what he did for the money and I don’t get
that he needs money from my very short conversation with him.
1. The affirmation method works and is worth using
The book Release Your Brakes by James W. Newman explains the method
in depth. And you can read the article by Gary Craig:
2. Realize that the gist of this story is doing what you know to
a. Have a killer freebie on your web site just like he has his
freebie ebook.
b. Build your list, duh!
c. Develop a great affiliate base
d. Publish success stories in a newsletter or an ezine and use it
for search engine fodder.
e. Have a back end.
f. Be prolific
g. Promote relentlessly
Marlon Sanders is the author of“The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy and the KING of Step-By-Step
Internet Marketing.”
Check out The Amazing Formula Here
To get on his killer ezine list, to get cheat sheets and all kinds
of other goodies every Saturday and during the week, to get simple,
to-the-point Internet marketing know that works real world without
all the hype, go to: and subscribe
Check out all my products here:
Here are more Internet Marketing resources for you:
How to Overcome the Mental Doubts
One of my favorite old time marketers is Marlon Sanders.
Without a doubt, Marlon understands marketing in lots of different niches. To get started you need to have the correct mindset. That really is the first step. I wanted to share the following article from Marlon about how you can overcome the one obvious thing that is holding you back…you.
How to Overcome the Mental Doubts
That Hold You Back From Success
Subtitle: Is a Thief Inside Your Head Stealing
Your Money?
I have another niche market I participate in and hope to sell
products in.
This niche market involves a sizable learning curve. I see people
come and go in it all the time.
And from my own experiences and those I observe, there is ONE
THING that keeps people from making progress. And that thing is
self doubt.
1. You may doubt you have the ability to succeed in this business
You know, we all have self doubts. In learning the new skills I’m
tell you about, I know I personally have had self doubt. “Is this
something I can do? Is this a skill I can master? Am I TOO
Yet, the conclusion I come back to over and over is that success
in ANY endeavor is the result of behaviors. Change the behaviors
and get the result.
Wherever you are, I’ve been there. I know what it is to doubt
yourself or your ability. To not be sure if you have what it
takes. To try and have your successes far outweighed by things
that didn’t work.
It’s easy to get discouraged. To stop. To quit. To think that
this is the end of the road for you. In this new arena and skill
set area I’m working in, I’ve experienced all those feelings and
emotions and more.
2. You may doubt your progress
It’s so easy to look at a few successes against more failures and
think, “I’m not making progress.”
I think this is the hardest thing. You have to tie a knot on your
mental rope and hang on. Because the truth is, things almost
always don’t work before they DO work.
You have to really tune up your focus on any successes you DO
have. And notice the small successes. So maybe you don’t have a
ton of sales yet. But you DO have people subscribing. Or you DO
have some sales coming in regularly.
Or you DO have your blog up and you ARE getting visitors now from
You have to exaggerate mentally the successes you DO have because
those are what show you that you ARE making progress and ARE on
the right track.
3. Others will rain on your parade
So you finally get to the point where things ARE starting to work.
All of a sudden in a forum or someplace, someone RAINS on your
parade. They criticize your model, your idea or your efforts.
Maybe they tell you you are pipe dreaming. Or chasing rainbows.
And you let it get to you mentally, spiritually or psychically.
I don’t know why this happens. Some people just aren’t very tuned
in. You have to believe in yourself and what you’re doing more
than anyone else. I don’t know why it’s that way. But it is.
4. You may have a set back
Man, this one is a challenge. You’re going along. You’re making
progress. You’ve got some traffic. You’re getting subscribers.
Sales are coming in.
Then you have a set back.
Something happens in your life, your family, or some area that
holds you back or slows you down.
For me last year it was a quadruple hernia. Not exactly what I had
in mind for my year.
But you move forward. That’s all you can do.
5. You may think or feel that finally you’ve reached a point
where “it isn’t working.”
Anytime you’re acquiring a complex set of skills, that can happen.
It’s a signal to do some things different. To up your Game. To
tweak what you’re doing and how.
Solutions for You
Alright, let’s talk about solutions:
1. Operate from a basic checklist
Do you have your autoresponders set up? Do new customers go onto
your email list? Are you sending out emails? Do you have a plan
or system for getting traffic that has a realistic chance of
working? Are you creating and promoting new products? Do you
know HOW to do screen capture video and post it? Do you have a
blog that looks good?
These are all basics. I’m covering most of them in the
Quick Start call and PDF I’m doing for my Writer’s Secret
But you don’t have to buy from me to do these things. I
make things easier so you have to figure less out. But the
important thing is you have a basic checklist.
2. Give yourself credit for SMALL improvements
Rome wasn’t built overnight. At first, your victories will
be much smaller than your defeats. That’s how it is in a
learning curve.
3. Tweak but don’t junk
Tweak your game plan but don’t throw the baby out with the
bath water. You’ve got to believe in your basic game plan.
4. Know who to IGNORE
Just because someone sounds like they know what they’re
talking about and they criticize you does NOT mean you
should listen to them.
Everyone has a point of view and belief system. Maybe
THEIRS is the one jacked up. Not everyone wants to build
the same type of business or has the same vision.
5. Do the fundamentals first
If you can’t write a headline, can’t put up a squeeze
page, can’t write a guarantee, can’t write and send an
email, can’t set up an affiliate program, can’t compile a
PDF, can’t make a Camtasia video that’s decent — if you
can’t do those things, go back to the fundamentals.
It’s so easy to get distracted by bright and shiny
But what I’ve found is that success is the cumulative
result of layering basic upon basic and skill upon skill.
You know, it’s a cumulative result. That does NOT mean it
has to take forever or a long time.
My great pal, friend and inspiration, Jason Fladlien,
mastered huge chunks of this business very quickly. It CAN
be done. Still, he started with the fundamentals like
copywriting and mastered the basics.
You gotta be able to write headlines, bullet points,
offers and guarantees.
You gotta have your affiliate program. And so forth.
6. Realize that EVERYONE has self doubt
I think one of the biggest obstacles to succeeding is
doubting your smart enough, good enough and so forth.
At the same time, smart or good alone doesn’t do it. You
have to put into effect the right chunks of the business.
You gotta get the pieces in place. The foundations.
7. Value doing things
The single most important thing you can DO is something.
Just DO things and watch the results. Then tweak and try
You’ll never succeed without DOING.
So get curious what would happen if you DO this? Or DO
Find some way, some how that you can enjoy the DOING. The
BEST way I know of to do that is to get curious. And think
about it….if you found yourself getting really curious
about the results of DOING things, how would that change
the quality and quantity of activity you take now and in
the future?
And if you found yourself getting really curious about
THAT, what might that look like? How would things change?
Enjoy the process.
Fear of making mistakes holds people back. Curiosity about
what would happen if you take action makes things happen.
It’s easier to tweak a process in motion than it is to get
in motion.
Get in motion.
It’s half of success. Just getting in motion.
1. You gotta see opportunity
Where are your underserved people or topics?
2. You gotta get in motion
Take some action to exploit the opportunity
3. You gotta produce and promote
It may not be pretty at first. It may not make a fortune.
But if you find yourself getting really curious about what
would happen once you became a producer and a promoter,
then you’re almost there.
A week or two ago I showed you a new blog I put up. I’m
still working on getting my ducks in a row. But it has
ALREADY opened doors and I’ve met people who can help
parts of it happen.
And all I did was put up a blog. There isn’t even a video
on it. There’s just a basic graphic and a blog template.
Success favors those who take action and do things just
out of the curiosity to know what MIGHT or COULD happen.
Marlon Sanders
The King of Step-By-Step Internet Marketing and
“The Ambassador of Old School Marketing”
Marlon’s Blog
Marlon Sanders helps people with hopes and dreams figure
out how to turn those into reality by selling stuff on
the Internet.
The Red Factor Report
If You Want to Succeed On-Line You Need This…
Mark Hendricks is an Internet Marketer who can show you the way.
He is an incredible teacher who has developed a step by step system of success.
If you are looking for the next big thing, jump-on-the-next-bandwagon type of hype, you won’t find it here.
You will discover a very complete set of sound resources which will allow you to succeed on the Internet.
Hehdricks knows how to teach Internet Marketing.
I had heard about Mark Hendricks, a number of years ago. I had lstened to a many of his recordings. I even partnered with him during a couple of his special projects.
But as the old saying goes: When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
Joining Mark’s Internet Success System, was without a doubt one of the smartest things I have ever done.
I urge you to at least check him out. He offers lots of free information, so you can get a taste of his style before you make a commitment.
One of the most powerful thinks about ISS, is the power of all the members. You can listen to Mark right here as he explains the six buying triggers.
Inside the members area of the Internet Success System you will find:
- Audios
- Videos
- Tools
- How to Complete Internet Projects
- Resources
- REcommendations
- The Power of the other Internet Success Members
I urge you to take a look at the Internet Success System, CLIK HERE, even if it’s just to grab the free stuff.
Remember: When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Maybe the teacher just showed up.
Signup below and you’ll get instant access to discover for yourself the most complete
internet business training I’ve ever seen.
Promo Dashboard: Promote Anything…
promo Dashboard by Marlon Sanders is a product for anyone who wants to promote anything. Marlon breaks the process of promotion down into a step by step system and spoon feeds you the information.
Promo Dashboard is a product that I own. I have gotten a lot of value from it. I recommend this product without hesitation.
As a matter of fact, I created a short video which explains all of the steps involved.
You can watch it right here:
Make sure you take some time to check out Promo Dashboard.
Click on the following link, right now: Promo Dashboard.
You can be promoting in a manner of minutes.
Watch this video and Learn to Promote Anything…
One of my favorite Internet Marketers is Marlon Sanders. He may not be Mr. Fashion, but the guy knows Internet Marketing. He is awesome.
Marlon Sanders just posted a revealing, new video called:
“How To Promote In 3 Easy Steps (Click Here Now)”
Here’s the link: Marlon’s Video (Click Here Now)
And it applies whether you have your own product or promote
affiliate products.
* What does it take to create online promos that work?
* What if the formula isn’t working for you?
* What if you promote but people don’t buy?
* How do you build your list?
* The solution to information overload and overwhelm
* Why your ppc ads may not be working
Best wishes,
Albert Grande
The Pizza Promoter
P.S. Give it a shot:
Click Below:
Marlon’s Video
P.P.S. If you promote anything on the Internet, you need to watch this video:
Marlon’s Video