Category Archives: video marketing

The Power of Email Starts Here

Get Started Today For Only $1! – AWeber Communications

Marketing your business on-line requires determination and hard work.
Sure you need a website.

(If you need a website, I can build one for you).

 You need to make it easy for your customers to contact you.
You need to have your address, phone number and email address on every
single page!

However, there is one essential tool needed for
any business: a way for you to immediately contact your
customers. That is an autoresponders or e-mail capture system.

Many website owners are totally missing the
most powerful method to attract and keep customers.
you need to stay in touch with your very
best customers! These customers are your bread and butter. They
are the ones who will drive your business.

Your customers
 are the single biggest asset in your small business.

That’s why you need an e-mail capture page with
an autoresponder.

An autoresponder is a tool
which will allow you to send out a series of pre-written emailsto your customers. With an
auto responder you can also send out announcements, specials, or offers to all of your customers.

An autoresponder can be used to deliver sales messages to your opt-in customer list.
It can be used to deliver email courses, to send reminders, and even to help you build an opt-in list if
you don’t already have one.
 There are many creative ways you
can use your auto responder to make more sales and
to build customer relations.
Any successful marketer will tell you that there are two tools that are
vital to any type of online marketing – an opt-in list and
an autoresponder. In fact, most marketers will agree that you
could take away all of their other marketing tools, but they
would fight to the death to keep the list and the autoresponder! 

Test drive the Best Autoresponder, right,



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Why You Need to Use Video for Your Business

Video is an extremelly powerful tool to get your message out to your customers.
The largest video site, YouTube boasts millions of views every day.
While many of the vidoes are full of fluff, some are very business oriented.
You will be able to create interest in your business
and get your potential customers to take action.
Here are some of the benefits:
  • You can brand yourself and your business
  • You can target a wide variety of potential customers
  • You can tap into a global marketplace
  • Your give your customers an inside view of your business
  • You can brand your business as being THE place to visit.
I use videos for all of my Internet Marketing. As a matter of fact, one of my videoes
has gotten over 500,000 views.
And yes it surprised me. Shocked me, acutally.
It’s a simple video of me making pizza dough. And it really is a simple homemade video.
The results have been thousands of visitors to my pizza website.
It has gone viral and other websites have put my video on their website.
Google even contacted me about allowing them to put their ads on my video.
Here is the link to see it:
Think about your own video. What would it mean to your business if you got
hundreds or even thousands of views.
Think of your video as a little sales machine customer lead generator working for you 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Non-stop. Never taking a break.
And once it’s up on the Internet: it’s there.
If you want a little sales machine working for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, promoting your business, website or offer. 
Claim a copy of my  Free Report: : Video Charge Your Business.
 Video Charge Your Business
It will open your eyes to video marketing :
To your video success,
Albert Grande

Here is a great video tool to monetize all of your videos:
Word Press Video Site Map Plug-in


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5 Quick Tips for Membership Site Success

Membership sites are a great way to make recurring income online. If you’re thinking of starting your own site or you already have one going, here are a few quick tips for success with your membership site. They will help you simplify your content creation process, get affiliates to promote your site and get new members.

1. Outsource content creation

Your membership site’s success depends on the new content that you deliver each month, every month. If you want to cut down on your content creation time, consider hiring a ghostwriter to provide your site with articles, reports and blog posts. When you use a ghostwriter you’ll be able to concentrate on your strengths (like promotion) rather than struggling with the writing. When you outsource, you don’t have to worry about being a good writer or knowing a lot about your topic. You can have professional content that gives the site value without writing it yourself. Here is a quick way to get your membership site up and running.

2. Get professional graphics

Studies have been shown that outstanding graphics can compensate for average content. Of course, this isn’t an excuse to produce lackluster content. But if your site looks good, people will want to be part of it! Your site’s graphics don’t have to be overly fancy, but they do need to look good. If you’re not a pro at graphics, you should find a website designer to give you the professional look that you need to draw in customers. You may be able to barter with a designer for free graphics by offering a free membership to your site.

3. Have two or more levels of membership

Creating two levels of membership or more can help you draw in a wider customer base. You can help people join the site who might not be able to if the price is higher, but you still have the opportunity to get a higher monthly fee from those who want the added benefits of being in the top tier. To encourage more sign ups, you can have a free membership level, a silver level and a gold level. Make sure you check out the 5 minute membership site solution.

4. Use a blog to promote your membership site

Create and maintain a blog outside of the gates of your membership site in order to build traffic and increase your presence within the niche. You can maintain your blog as part of your main website or create it on a completely different domain. Blog about popular topics in the membership site’s forum and give teasers about the content that members are receiving. When you give quality content and mix in references to your membership site, you’ll create credibility and get new members for your sites.

5. Add video to your membership site for major impact

Video marketing is the next revolutionary step on the Internet. You can be part of this growing movement by adding video to your membership site. Most anything that can be expressed in writing can be made into a video. Whether you use traditional video where you talk in front of the camera or screen capture video technology like Camtasia, you can offer top quality content for your members through this new media.

Using video is something that has changed the way I market on the Internet. If you are interested in having video created for you please visit: Hawaii Business Videos.

My favorite membership site is: Internet Success System

Learn how to set up your own membership site, here.

And if you need business cards, look no further:80% OFF Premium Business Cards & FREE Return Address Labels Believe me, you do need business cards!

To our success,

albert grande
The Pizza Promoter

Free Downloads for Video Editing

For those who have already tried creating their own home videos, you can make use of these seven free downloads for video editing.

If you try to search the internet, you will notice that there are lots of software programs out there ranging from below $100 to over $500. Well, here’s great news – you can also download certain video editing programs for free. Even if you don’t have money, you can still use a decent video editing tool but you need to spend some time browsing the web.

For newbies, it would be best to make use of these free software programs so that you will learn the basics of video editing. Once you get used to using different software programs, you can now purchase complex ones that offer special effects and other fun stuffs. Commercial software programs are too complicated for beginners so you’d be better off with free software.

The top 7 downloadable video editors are the following:

Latest personal computers now have pre-installed video editors, the Windows Movie Maker. You can create new videos/movie and edit or share them. With a few drags and clicks of your mouse, you can create a movie. You can exclude bad shots and get only the best scenes. You can save the movie and perhaps share it via the internet, in a CD, or through email. If you save it on your computer or camcorder, you can play it over and over again.

For Mac, you can use the Apple iMovie. This is one of the easiest ways to create your own video. You can add new clips to your existing project or replace them. It also allows you to edit the audio as well. This software is free only if you have a Mac system. When the Advanced Tools are shown, you can use additional options like green-screen effects, picture-in-picture, and cutaways.

For Linux and PCs, you can use the Zwei-Stein freeware. You can make use of the advanced features it offers like making custom effects or you can also do panning and cropping.

Debugmode Wax may be outdated but it’s still great for video editing. The visual effects are flexible and so you can easily create superb video sequences.

Jashaka can be used for Linux, Mac, and PC. It makes use of the OpenML and OpenGL hardware which allows users real-time interactivity. The platform comes with image processing, paint, and full CG modules.

Virtual Dub offers very simple editing tools. If you’re an advanced editor, this software is not for you. If you have an existing video footage, you can use this software to make clean and simple edits. It can handle AVI files, read MPEG-1 and BMP images.

These six software programs are downloadable. Only then can you use the software to create or edit videos or movies. If you want to use another good online tool, you can use Jump Cut. However, this can only be used online and you can’t download it. With this tool, you can cut videos; add effects, photos and titles. With Jump Cut, you can upload media, share them, remix, create new movies, or publish it for your friends.

For your video editing needs, get a suitable software program. The free software are easy to work on and you will hardly encounter any problems.

For more on video editing claim a copy of my free report:

 Video Charge Your Business,

Albert Grande
Hawaii Business Videos


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Promoting Your Website With Videos Works

Did you know videos are one of the most effective ways you can promote your business on-line?
All of the major businesses use on-line videos to promote their business.
Why not you and your business?
You can your own on-line video promoting your business, 24 hours a day / seven days a week?
Go to this website right now and check it out.
Here is the link:
Now of course, I hope that you are so excited about your own video.

Make sure you look at some of the sample vidoes I have created.

You can view the samples here:
I have created videos for tech firms, bands, an auto air conditioning business and even a car rental firm.
Isn’t it about time you had your own video promoting your bsiness 24 hours a day / seven days a week?
Have a look and let me know what you think.
Incidently, my how to make pizza dough video has had over 350,000 views!
Here’s the proof:
Do videos work? 
Yes they do!
Step into the world of video…
Your website and your business, may never be the same…
pizza on earth, and pizza in videos,


The Power of Using Video

Video is an extremelly powerful tool to get your message out to your customers.

The largest video site, YouTube boasts millions of views every day.
While many of the vidoes are full of fluff, some are very business oriented.
You will be able to create interest in your business
and get your potential customers to take action.
Here are some of the benefits:
  • You can brand yourself and your business
  • You can target a wide variety of potential customers
  • You can tap into a global marketplace
  • Your give your customers an inside view of your business
  • You can brand your business as being THE place to visit.
I use videos for all of my Internet Marketing. As a matter of fact, one of my videoes
has gotten over a quarter of a million views.
You can see it here:
And yes it surprised me. Shocked me, acutally.
It’s a simple video of me making pizza dough. And it really is a simple homemade video.
The results have been thousands of visitors to my pizza website.
It has gone viral and other websites have put my video on their website.
Google even contacted me about allowing them to put their ads on my video.
Here is a picture
Pizza dough video from
Pizza Dough Video: Note the number of views

Here is the link to see it:
Think about your own video. What would it mean to your business if you got
hundreds or even thousands of views.
Think of your video as a little sales machine and customer lead generator, working for you 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Non-stop. Never taking a break.
And once it’s up on the Internet: it’s there.
If you want a little sales machine working for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, just contact me.
You can get additional videos, at a very resoanable, one-time cost.
For more information, just go to:
To your video success,
Albert Grande

If You Want to Succeed On-Line You Need This…

Mark Hendricks is an Internet Marketer who can show you the way.

He is an incredible teacher who has developed a step by step system of success.

If you are looking for the next big thing, jump-on-the-next-bandwagon type of hype, you won’t find it here.

You will discover a very complete set of sound resources which will allow you to succeed on the Internet.
Hehdricks knows how to teach Internet Marketing.

I had heard about Mark Hendricks, a number of years ago. I had lstened to a many of his recordings. I even partnered with him during a couple of his special projects.

But as the old saying goes: When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Joining Mark’s Internet Success System, was without a doubt one of the smartest things I have ever done.

I urge you to at least check him out. He offers lots of free information, so you can get a taste of his style before you make a commitment.

One of the most powerful thinks about ISS, is the power of all the members. You can listen to Mark right here as he explains the six buying triggers.

Inside the members area of the Internet Success System you will find:

  • Audios
  • Videos
  • Tools
  • How to Complete Internet Projects
  • Resources
  • REcommendations
  • The Power of the other Internet Success Members

I urge you to take a look at the Internet Success System,  CLIK HERE, even if it’s just to grab the free stuff.

Remember:  When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Maybe the teacher just showed up.

Signup below and you’ll get instant access to discover for yourself the most complete
internet business training I’ve ever seen.

Internet Success System
Internet Success System

Animoto: Incredible Video Tool

Animoto is a video tool that will turn even the most boring slides into a professional movie.

You can easily create stunning videos to promote yourself, your website or blog. You can email your creation to family, friends and business associates. The possibilities are endless.

You also get to create a soundtrack for your film. If you wish, use the copy-right free music or upload your own. This site is incredible.

The interface is extremely easy to use. Just upload your images, order them in your movie, choose your music and you are in business.

You can then downlaod your video, post it directly to YouTube or even email it to a friend.

Here is my first video that I made using animoto.

I created this with a couple of pictures to promote my pizza web site, Pizza Therapy.

Here is another video I created for Hawaii Secret Dot Com

This video was extremely simple and quick to put up. The interface is surpsingly simple.

Animoto is an amazing resource. Best of all it is totally free to use.

The downside is that the free vidoes are limited to 30 seconds. You can purchase a paid version of the site at a very reasonable price.

You really need to put animoto, in your Internet Marketers tool box.

Very powerful, very visual and totally awwsome. Go to animoto and make your own dazzling video statement.

Albert Grande