Tag Archives: animoto

Animoto: Incredible Video Tool

Animoto is a video tool that will turn even the most boring slides into a professional movie.

You can easily create stunning videos to promote yourself, your website or blog. You can email your creation to family, friends and business associates. The possibilities are endless.

You also get to create a soundtrack for your film. If you wish, use the copy-right free music or upload your own. This site is incredible.

The interface is extremely easy to use. Just upload your images, order them in your movie, choose your music and you are in business.

You can then downlaod your video, post it directly to YouTube or even email it to a friend.

Here is my first video that I made using animoto.

I created this with a couple of pictures to promote my pizza web site, Pizza Therapy.

Here is another video I created for Hawaii Secret Dot Com

This video was extremely simple and quick to put up. The interface is surpsingly simple.

Animoto is an amazing resource. Best of all it is totally free to use.

The downside is that the free vidoes are limited to 30 seconds. You can purchase a paid version of the site at a very reasonable price.

You really need to put animoto, in your Internet Marketers tool box.

Very powerful, very visual and totally awwsome. Go to animoto and make your own dazzling video statement.

Albert Grande