Tag Archives: tips for sales

More Tips for Sales Success

 Here are more tips from Danny:

4.     Feature/Benefit

I shouldn’t even have to say it, but every feature should show the customer a benefit. It’s Sales 101. If you don’t know about this part of sales…find a basic sales class and sign up. You’re not ready to talk to customers.

Even though it’s a no brainer…I HAVE to mention it here. It’s crucial. Features mean cost…benefits mean solutions to needs, wants, or problems.


5.     Expand Your Knowledge

You MUST know more than the other salesperson. You need to learn everything you can about your product or service, and every part of your business that relates to it. You also must learn your competition inside and out.

If your customers can’t tell that you are the expert, it’ll be up to them to make the decisions. If they rely on you as the best source of information, they’ll be more comfortable with you making decisions for them, ultimately leading to a successful close.

6.     KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)

First and foremost, don’t talk yourself out of a sale. Don’t “show up and throw up” by reciting every detail about your product every time.

If you’ve done your probing and found out what the customer needs, you can simply tailor the presentation to the points they need to know about. If there is additional information that relates to an important point, by all means throw it into the mix.
Just the basics, then get them involved. If you refer to your notes on the customer, you can get them to ask questions, and then you’re helping them instead of feeding them a pitch.
7.     Feature/Benefit

I shouldn’t even have to say it, but every feature should show the customer a benefit. It’s Sales 101. If you don’t know about this part of sales…find a basic sales class and sign up. You’re not ready to talk to customers.

Even though it’s a no brainer…I HAVE to mention it here. It’s crucial. Features mean cost…benefits mean solutions to needs, wants, or problems.

8.     Expand Your Knowledge

You MUST know more than the other salesperson. You need to learn everything you can about your product or service, and every part of your business that relates to it. You also must learn your competition inside and out.

If your customers can’t tell that you are the expert, it’ll be up to them to make the decisions. If they rely on you as the best source of information, they’ll be more comfortable with you making decisions for them, ultimately leading to a successful close.