Category Archives: General Categories

The Secret to Success: ISS

I belong to many membership sites. (To many, LOL)
There is one that is truly unique.
Very success oriented. That is: your success.

Here is the site:

Internet Success System

ISS is in a class by itself. I am a proud member.
And it is totally different than any other membership site.

Mark Hendricks is behind the site. However, I think he would agree that ISS, is much bigger than he is.

He has invited some of the most amazing marketers to be part of the ISS team.

Believe me, this is not a get rich quick or make a bazzillion dollars in your sleep type of program.

It takes work. It takes committment. It takes time. But it is set up to give you lots of assistance, encouragement and positive energy.

But like anything else in life, you get out of it, what you put in.

If you really want to succeed in Internet Marketing.
check out the link. You will be glad you did.

Internet Success System

One of the first tasks is to create the mind set for success.

I’m re-reading “Think and Grow Rich.”

I’ve read it a number of times, and I always get more out of it when I read it.

Here is a poem from Think and Grow Rich:

If you think you are beaten, you are,
If you think you dare not, you don’t
If you like to win, but you think you can’t
It’s almost certain that you won’t

If you think you’ll lose you lost,
for out of the world we find,
Success begins with a fellows will,
its all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed you are,
You’ve got to think high to rise,
You’ve got to be sure of yourself, before
You can win the prize.

“Life’s battles don’t always go,
to the stronger or faster man.
But soon or late the man who wins,
Is the man WHO THINKS HE CAN!”

To you absolute success,
albert grande
ebooks, Internet Resources and more

Make sure you check this out:

Internet Success System

Napoleon Hill On the Secret of Success

Think and Grow Rich from Napoleon Hill

Naploeon Hill emabarked on an incredible mission.

Think and Grow Rich was commissioned by Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie was interested in what common thread existed through all successful men.

Carnegie asked Napoleon Hill to find out why some people had everything they desired, while others constantly struggled!

He shares his insights in Think and Grow Rich.

I have read and reread Think and Grow Rich several times.

Some contend Think and Grow Rich was the basis for The book is a masterpiece. As a matter of fact, watch part of The Secret and download a copy of Think and Grow Rich on this page.

Listen and watch as Napoleon Hill discusses his greatest secret.
This is all about the law of attraction.


Listen, learn and follow Napoleon’s life lessons.

albert grande

Internet Consulting for Hawaii Small Business

If you own a business in Hawaii, I’ve got a secret for

Watch my video which explains, how you can bring back
your customers,
get more customers and reduce your expenses, all on auto-pilot.

Create powerful relationships with your customers,
while you generate new customers.

My name is Albert Grande, and I want to
help your Hawaii small business,
make more sales…

Please watch the following:

Do you want to increase your profits
while reducing your expenses?

You can:

  • Drastically reduce your advertising expenses
  • Cement relationships with your current customers
  • Bring new customers in your front door
  • Automate the entire process

    • Generate More sales!
  • Happy customers!

  • More profits for you.

  • I can show you how with a Free 15 minute consultation.

    Please understand:

  • I do not work for anyone.

     I am not promoting a "system" or product.
    I am a private consultant.

  • Albert Grande,
    Internet Marketing Consultant Serving Small Business in Hawaii

    Phone: 808 781-8000  

    Albert Grande, Internet Marketing Consultant


    Hello. My name is Albert Grande.

    I am an Internet Business Consultant who specializes in small

      I have been involved in e-commerce for the last ten years.
      I have lived in Hawaii for the last 20 years.

    I started my first website in 1999 with the launch of

    My web-site Pizza Therapy (,
    has been featured in books, a movie, magazines, radio, television and the
    If you are curious who I am, just search in Google for my name.

    I offer Internet consulting to assist local
    business owners, right here in Hawaii.

    If I could show you an unused asset that you ALREADY have that could make you
    sales and build a relationship with your current customers, would you be willing
    to speak with me for 15 minutes?


    This free consultation can save you as much as 50% of your
    entire monthly advertising budget
    AND, also bring you brand new customers at the same time!


    The best part is that you may already have it,
    so the cost to implement this marketing weapon is


    Please call me: (808) 781-8000 at your earliest convenience to

    schedule a free "no strings" 15 minute consultation.

    I promise you, it will be worth your time.


    will be offering a series of workshops to teach you to create stronger
    relationships with your customers and at the same time create more profits for
    your business.

    If you are interested, please feel free to call and ask me.


    Wait…there’s more:




     You can sign up
    here if you would like a free

    15 minute
    consultation about how to use
    the power of the Internet for your business.

    Your email
    address will never be shared, sold or given away.




    You must confirm your subscription.

    erbium doped fiber amplifier


    Please free to call me at:

    808 781-8000


    808 626-7552


    Albert Grande

    Albert Grande
    95-218 Halepule Place
    Mililani, Hawaii 96789

    808 781-8000

    This page is created and maintained by Albert Grande.

    Grande Publishing ®

  • Ezine Publishing For Profits Checklist: Are You Doing These 5 Things?

    The Following is from my friend and mentor: Jimmy D. Brown of “Get Messsages Read!”

    I am an admitted planner and management tool nut. I have about 7 business planners. I have appointment managers. I have the best books, software, notebooks and planning systems from
    Franklin Covey, Day Runner and just about anyone else on the market.

    I have a lot of things to balance (ministry, family, business, golf … usually in that order :o) and I need planners and reminders to keep me on track.

    Emphasis is on the REMINDERS.

    I even have a software program that sends me emails each day reminding me of important appointments and activities.

    Reminders are a good thing. Sometimes they jar us back to reality like a bone-shaking tackle by a middle linebacker, but, still, they are a good thing.

    And publishing this article has been a “good thing” for me. It’s been a reminder. A reminder of the important things about publishing.

    You see, if we’re not careful, we get into a “rut” when it comes to publishing, specifically in publishing our NEWSLETTERS. While I am no longer publishing an ezine, opting to devote my content to articles, reports and mini-courses, many of my subscribers ARE newsletter publishers.

    So, I’ve put together this “checklist” of reminders that I have personally experienced during the past few days as my focus has been refreshed.

    Ask yourself these 5 questions before publishing your next newsletter issue…

    1. Are you PASSIONATE? One of the things that has drawn me to blogging is the amazing passion of most bloggers. Those who publish a blog are usually those who just love to talk about their particular interest. It’s what they talk about when they are OFFLINE. It’s what they think about. It’s a part of their lives. And they just want to share it with anyone who is willing to listen.

    When newsletters “began”, that was driving force… passion. And, for many, the passion is still alive. And they’d publish their ezine even if they only had a handful of subscribers who were mostly relatives. Doesn’t matter. If someone is willing to listen, they’ll talk via a newsletter.

    The focus isn’t on the “numbers” (I.E. How many subscribers do I have on my list) but rather is on the “topic”, the thing that they can’t seem to get enough of, or give enough of.

    What about you? Is the passion still there?

    2. Are you PERSONABLE? Spend enough time here and you’ll get to know me. More than what I KNOW as a marketer, you’ll learn about what I BELIEVE as a fellow human. You’ll also get to know about me and my life. Maybe more than you want to know. You’ll learn that I am a committed Christian, that I absolutely love to play golf, I have a wonderful wife and little boy and I can quote just about every episode of the Andy Griffith Show.

    And, to the great dismay and terror of my buddy Ryan Deiss, I will ocassionally eat a potted meat sandwich.

    See, I told you it might be more than you want to know. :o)

    The point is this: we’re going to connect. Sooner or later, you’ll get to know me. And I’ll become a part of your life, hopefully as a good, positive source of encouragement and guidance.

    I don’t hide behind a mask. I don’t pretend to be something that I’m not. You get the real me. There will be times you love me, there will be times you won’t love me as much. But, one thing will be certain, you’ll see a real person that you can connect with.

    More than a publisher, I’m a person.

    That’s what folks want. They don’t want a “newsletter publisher” sending them mailings every week. They want a “newsletter person” who will be real with them. Someone who can be personal. Someone they can relate to.

    Someone like themselves.

    Will you be that person?

    3. Are you PROVIDING? Let’s be honest here: the only thing that will BRING YOU BACK to a site is whether or not you feel like you have gained something in going there. If you’ve been educated, you’ll be back. If you’ve been entertained, you’ll be back. If you have found something to be beneficial to you, then you’ll come back over and over again. And you’ll stay as long as you continue to gain something.

    Newsletters should PROVIDE something to their readers. And that’s QUALITY content. That’s something that either EDUCATES or ENTERTAINS. Or, preferably, BOTH.

    As a publisher of a newsletter, do you give of yourself to your readers? More than just trying to get them to buy something or do something… are you doing something for them?

    4. Are you PROVOCATIVE? Learn this truth right now: the most read newsletters are the ones who are hosted by the most opinionated authors. Those who stand up and share their thoughts, even when those thoughts are controversial and go against popular opinion will always get attention.

    I’m not saying “go against the grain” just for the sake of stirring up a hornet’s nest. Not saying that at all. I’m just saying “Speak your mind.” If you’ve got something to say, say it. If something’s bothering you, get it off your chest. Be authentic. Be real.

    Don’t deliberately try to harm or offend, but don’t be afraid to stand up and be counted. Some will agree. Some will disagree. (That’s okay… because they are entitled to their opinion too.) But all will READ.

    The point is this: your newsletter is your mouthpiece. You want to guard it against hurtful words, but you always want it to be honest and forthright, sharing the “truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth” about your passion, whether it’s traditional or cutting edge in its opinions.

    5. Are you PROFITABLE? OK, so not all newsletters are out to produce profits. But, for the sake of this “Publishing for PROFITS” checklist, let’s assume that you ARE trying to make money from your ezine. And let’s look at how most profitable newsletters make money (those that ARE trying to produce profits)

    Here it is in a nutshell: They are money makers, but not money grabbers.

    Yes, you’ll see links to my products on my sites. Yes, you’ll see an affiliate link here and there. Yes, I’ll try to get you on a list. Yes, sooner or later I’d like you to spend some money with me.

    There, I said it. It’s out in the open. No secret there. I provide you with great content (investing in you) and I hope you’ll do more business with me (invest in me) down the road.

    Now, contrast that with how many newsletters are structured these days (admittedly, some of mine were too): They’ve got a top sponsor ad trying to get your money. They have a classified ad section trying to get your money. There are ads sprinkled throughout the featured article. The resource box at the bottom of that article leads to another place trying to get your money. There is a “review” of a product which is embedded with an affiliate link. There are “recommended resources” plugged in there to get you to buy something. There are special solo mailings coming to you as a list member that are designed to get into your wallet.

    Get the idea?

    Now, let me say this, not ALL newsletters are like that. I’m just speaking my mind … you know, being provocative, expressing my opinion. But, let’s be honest, most newsletters that ARE trying to make money tend to be more focused on making money from you as a subscriber than providing useful information to you.

    The lesson I’ve learned from the popularity of blogging is that it’s time to return to the grass root days of publishing an ezine because you’ve got passion about a subject and there are interested people who want to read it. Give it to them, sprinkle in a few money-making references, and the profits will come.

    One of the most profitable newsletter publishers I know of in all of internet marketing was Terry Dean. Want to know how he “bombarded” his subscribers with offers? ONE advertisement per issue. TWO or THREE solo mailings per year.

    That’s it.

    And that’s why he is able to make over $30,000 from ONE of those mailings. He provides GREAT content and FEW offers. And people respond.

    You come a website for CONTENT. If we stop providing it, or start giving you so many sales pitches that you have a hard time finding it, you’ll stop coming around. And rightly so.

    People subscribe to newsletters for the same reason. They want information. Give it to them and sooner or later most will give you their business. Hide it under a mountain of ads and offers and they’ll go elsewhere. And who can blame them.

    So, those are reminders that I have personally had my mind refreshed to recently. And I think I’ll be a better publisher because of it.

    And I think you will too, if you just ask yourself these five questions before you publish your next ezine.

    Jimmy D. Brown is the author of the “Get Messages Read!” course. In Get Messages Read! you’ll learn 24 simple ideas you can begin using today (literally, with the next message you send out) to increase the profit from any list. Check out this ground-breaking course at Get Your Messages Read…………………….

    Thanks, Jimmy…

    How to Learn About Autoresponders

    My daughter struggled when she was learning to ride a bike.

    No matter how many times I explained it to her, she never got it.

    I modeled how to ride a bike and she still didn’t get it.

    There is only one way to learn how to ride a bike, and that’s to get on a bike.

    She got on the bike, with training wheels and she started to learn how to ride a bike.

    The training wheels came off and she fell down a few times, but she finally got it.

    That’s the same way to learn about an auto-responder.

    You need to try it out yourself.

    No matter how many times someone explains it to you, you won’t get it.

    Someone can model it for you and you still won’t get it.

    You need to try it out yourself, and you will finally learn how to do it.

    There is only one autoresponder that I can recommend. And believe me, I’ve tried a number of them.

    It’s awebr. And you can take a test drive right here, right now.

    So give it a try. And even if it seems hard at first, after a short while, it will be as easy as riding a bike:

    Can You Have More Sales, Too?
    Helping over 51,000 businesses like yours raise profits and build customer relationships using AWeber’s opt-in email marketing software for over 10 years.

    Take a Free Test Drive today!

    Remember, the money is in the list: list building a relationship.


    Albert Grande
    Check out Mr .Big’s 10 Top Internet Markeitng Tips
    Get the Free Report, here.

    If You can catch a Butterfly, Save $2,000

    I want to tell you how you can get software worth $2,000 at zero cost.

    Let me explain:

    Mike Filsaime is giving away copies of his Butterfly Marketing software at no cost.

    Just know that I will be standing in line on Tuesday 3/24/09
    at 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
    to get a copy of Butterfly Marketing.

    There are a limited number and reportedly they will be gone in hours.

    Let me pull back the curtain a bit. This software is yours to keep, if you signup for his newsletter.

    Go here to check it out:

    I’ve decided I’m going to sign up.

    If you sign up to take a peek, You also get a special bonus. At the very least, make sure you get the entire Butterfly Manuscript. This is the work book. I paid $97 for this. No kidding.

    Later, I won a copy of the original Butterfly Marketing Software.

    I think the new version will be very powerful.

    I’m going to get it, and I urge you to at least take a look. And why not: the price is right…

    Here is the link again:

    To your absolute success.

    Albert Grande

    PS Please check out Paul Myers “Need to Know”.
    This will tell you everything about Internet Marketing. Put away your wallet,
    There is no cost for this resource:

    Connect to Source with Dr. Wayne Dyer

    Wayne Dyer - Get Inspired

    The Power of Intention is a wonderful book written by Dr. Wayne Dyer. I have seen him and met him. He is a wonderful person who shares much of himself. He is a powerful teacher. In some ways, he reminds of of Ram Dass. This is the only dance there is.

    The following videos are a presentation of Power of Intention.

    “There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way…”

    Very inspirational, very moving, simply amazing.

    Listen, learn, enjoy. You may find other copies of the Power of Intention with some sound distortion. These are the re-mastered versions, the recording is excellent.

    “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change…”

    Part 1

    Here is Part 2:

    Wayne Dyer 125x125

    Respectfully submitted,

    Paul Meyers Explains What You Need to Know

    There are a few people who I recommend without reservation.

    Paul Meyers is one of them. He is one of the smartest marketers I’ve ever read. He is totally ethical and honest.

    I learn from all of his emails. He is a walking dictionary and expert on how things
    work on the Internet. And on top of everything else: he’s a good guy.

    He is gving away one of his masterpieces. It’s called the “Need to know” manual.

    It’s one of the best things I’ve ever read. Get your own copy, here:

    It is jam packed with incredibly useful information. It’s like taking an entire course.

    I recommend you save it and print it out. That’s what I did. It is full of valuable
    step by step information. you will learn everything you need to konw about starting
    an Internet business.

    Here is the link again:

    Try not to read it in one sitting, but read it over several days. And make sure you
    read it several times. It really is that good.

    Stsy well,

    Albert Grande
    What You Think Becomes Reality

    P.S. Really grab this now:

    PPS: Visit the Goliath Giveawy

    Butterfly Marketing 2.0 Update

    I’ve decided to get on board with a new promotion for Butterfly Marketing

    This is news for you.

    Some BIG news

    Mike Filsaime has announced that he is GIVING AWAY
    5000 Home Study courses of Butterfly Marketing.

    Yes, for FREE…

    Mike has taken the $1997 + s&h price of his best
    selling course…

    …one of the best selling Home Study courses in History,
    and he is mailing it to you free. (You just pay s&h.)

    ** You Even get the software ** with unlimited use
    and unlimited license for as many sites as your
    heart desires to use it on!

    But here is your concern. There maybe 20,000 people that
    want it. A sell out is expected in just hours.

    DATE- March 24th, 1 PM EST

    …there’s more.

    Mike paid over $75,000 out of his own pocket to have
    these courses made. (There is always a chance he can
    get stuck with them. But that is HIGHLY unlikely.)

    So, since there are ONLY 5000 and it is expected that
    over 75,000 people will be notified…

    Only 1 in 15 people will get their hands on it.

    Yes, only 1 in 15.

    14 out of 15 people will see “Sold Out”

    I wish you luck. I will tell you how to practically
    guarantee you can get your Free copy of the $1997
    Home Study Course if you only…


    #1 – Check out the link below.

    #2 – Watch the entire Video that Mike Explains

    #3 – Enter your name and email to Be notified
    on a Early Bird list before the public. (You will
    be able to buy before the site goes live.)

    #4 – Then watch the video of how Mike’s software
    changed the life of a lucky person that got
    his course for free at an event.

    This VIDEO CASE STUDY will blow you away.

    Oh… Here is the best part and great news for today.

    When you register as an early bird, Mike Filsaime is
    going to Give you is “$97 Butterfly Marketing
    Manuscript” for free to read so that you can learn
    all about Butterfly Marketing so that when you get
    the Home Study Course and software for free (if you
    are on time) you can start making all the money you
    want right away.

    So make sure to follow ALL 4 STEPS so ensure you
    are one of the lucky people to get access. There
    is a limited number of these made for this promotion.

    You must see this, check it out here:

    Get Butterfly Marketing for No Cost


    Albert Grande

    PS –

    Mike explains the new features in the 2.0 version at the

    Catch the Butterfly for Free.

    Earl Nightingale: The Stangest Secret…

    Earl Nightingale was an incredible. He was an inspired writer. He lived a life showing others valuable life lessons.

    Some were obvious. Others were hidden below the surface.

    Watch this incredible film about one of the most amazing secrets:

    Here is an actual recording of Earl Nightingale:

    Read more aobut Earl Nightingale here:

    Earl Nightingale was a truly inspired human being.