Internet Consulting for Hawaii Small Business

If you own a business in Hawaii, I’ve got a secret for

Watch my video which explains, how you can bring back
your customers,
get more customers and reduce your expenses, all on auto-pilot.

Create powerful relationships with your customers,
while you generate new customers.

My name is Albert Grande, and I want to
help your Hawaii small business,
make more sales…

Please watch the following:

Do you want to increase your profits
while reducing your expenses?

You can:

  • Drastically reduce your advertising expenses
  • Cement relationships with your current customers
  • Bring new customers in your front door
  • Automate the entire process

    • Generate More sales!
  • Happy customers!

  • More profits for you.

  • I can show you how with a Free 15 minute consultation.

    Please understand:

  • I do not work for anyone.

     I am not promoting a "system" or product.
    I am a private consultant.

  • Albert Grande,
    Internet Marketing Consultant Serving Small Business in Hawaii

    Phone: 808 781-8000  

    Albert Grande, Internet Marketing Consultant


    Hello. My name is Albert Grande.

    I am an Internet Business Consultant who specializes in small

      I have been involved in e-commerce for the last ten years.
      I have lived in Hawaii for the last 20 years.

    I started my first website in 1999 with the launch of

    My web-site Pizza Therapy (,
    has been featured in books, a movie, magazines, radio, television and the
    If you are curious who I am, just search in Google for my name.

    I offer Internet consulting to assist local
    business owners, right here in Hawaii.

    If I could show you an unused asset that you ALREADY have that could make you
    sales and build a relationship with your current customers, would you be willing
    to speak with me for 15 minutes?


    This free consultation can save you as much as 50% of your
    entire monthly advertising budget
    AND, also bring you brand new customers at the same time!


    The best part is that you may already have it,
    so the cost to implement this marketing weapon is


    Please call me: (808) 781-8000 at your earliest convenience to

    schedule a free "no strings" 15 minute consultation.

    I promise you, it will be worth your time.


    will be offering a series of workshops to teach you to create stronger
    relationships with your customers and at the same time create more profits for
    your business.

    If you are interested, please feel free to call and ask me.


    Wait…there’s more:




     You can sign up
    here if you would like a free

    15 minute
    consultation about how to use
    the power of the Internet for your business.

    Your email
    address will never be shared, sold or given away.




    You must confirm your subscription.

    erbium doped fiber amplifier


    Please free to call me at:

    808 781-8000


    808 626-7552


    Albert Grande

    Albert Grande
    95-218 Halepule Place
    Mililani, Hawaii 96789

    808 781-8000

    This page is created and maintained by Albert Grande.

    Grande Publishing ®

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