Tag Archives: amazon

Back With Amazon, Again…

On July 1, my 10 year relationship with Amazon ended. I had been a successful affiliate for Amazon. I sold a lot of books, DVD, ccoking supplies and other items in the Amazon cataloge. I got a check every month form them.

There was nothing I had done to violate their Terms of Service (TOS).

The reason is that I live in Hawaii… I understand several other affiliate members living in other states (ie North Carolina) had also been terminated.

The Hawaii State Legistlators had passed a law taxing Amazon and other Internet businesses.

Fortunately, the bill was vetoed. Here’s what amzon said:

“Earlier this month, Governor Linda Lingle vetoed the unconstitutional tax collection scheme passed by the Hawaii legislature in HB 1405.

Because the effective date of that bill preceded both her veto and the legislature’s veto override session, we had little choice but to end our advertising relationships with all Hawaii-based participants in the Amazon Associates Program.

Now that the override session is over, and the legislature did not override Governor Lingle’s veto of HB 1405, we would like to invite all Hawaii Associates whose accounts were closed due to the pending legislation to re-enroll in the Associates Program.”

So for now, I’m back in the saddle with Amazon…

OK here are some fresh amazon links:

Thanks, amazon.

Albert Grande

The Power of Memory