All posts by Albert Grande

Stop That Train…

I’ve been very fortunate to see some of the finest musicians on the planet.

Some of the shows have been memorable and unforgettable.

I was lucky enough to see the The Best of Peter Tosh. He was a fantastic artist.

Watching him give his all in concert was a true joy. He gave his all whenever he toured.

Here is one of my favorite tunes he played:





And it was always nice to see Jerry Garcia. You can listen to; The Jerry Garcia Collection, Vol. 2: Let It RockRock Music CDs) to get a true sense of his music. Jerry paid hommage to reggae in many of his shows. Here is a great rendition of "Jerry doing Stop That Train".



Ah Rock and Roll memories!


Why You Need to Use Video for Your Business

Video is an extremelly powerful tool to get your message out to your customers.
The largest video site, YouTube boasts millions of views every day.
While many of the vidoes are full of fluff, some are very business oriented.
You will be able to create interest in your business
and get your potential customers to take action.
Here are some of the benefits:
  • You can brand yourself and your business
  • You can target a wide variety of potential customers
  • You can tap into a global marketplace
  • Your give your customers an inside view of your business
  • You can brand your business as being THE place to visit.
I use videos for all of my Internet Marketing. As a matter of fact, one of my videoes
has gotten over 500,000 views.
And yes it surprised me. Shocked me, acutally.
It’s a simple video of me making pizza dough. And it really is a simple homemade video.
The results have been thousands of visitors to my pizza website.
It has gone viral and other websites have put my video on their website.
Google even contacted me about allowing them to put their ads on my video.
Here is the link to see it:
Think about your own video. What would it mean to your business if you got
hundreds or even thousands of views.
Think of your video as a little sales machine customer lead generator working for you 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Non-stop. Never taking a break.
And once it’s up on the Internet: it’s there.
If you want a little sales machine working for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, promoting your business, website or offer. 
Claim a copy of my  Free Report: : Video Charge Your Business.
 Video Charge Your Business
It will open your eyes to video marketing :
To your video success,
Albert Grande

Here is a great video tool to monetize all of your videos:
Word Press Video Site Map Plug-in


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Affiliate RX: A Prescription for Your Success

I was just cotnacted by my friend, Michael Worthington about his new product: Affiliate RX

He was pretty excited about what he called easy step by step videos that are really newbie friendly.

I first became aware of Michael a number of years ago, while watching videos that he produced. I found his videos extremely helpful and easy to understand. Most importantly, I found the videos to be action oriented. Take action and get success.

His new product: Affiliate RX may be your answer.

I loved this videos and even though I know a bit about Internet Marketing, I found lots of tips I was unaware of.

Get this now before the price goes up.

You can find it right here:

Affiliate RX

But the amazing thing is the scope and sequence of these videos.

First there are 30 videos on a wide variety of Internet Marketing subjects, including:

Video 1: Overview of the system.

Video 2: Select your niche and keyword research.

Video 3: Setup your Clickbank affiliate account.

Video 4: Research for effective article writing.

Video 5: Setup your Clickbank affiliate link.

Video 6: Setup Free URL Tracking Program

Video 7: Setup Free Website

Video 8: Setup Free Website (Continued)

Video 9: Effective Social Bookmarking

Video 10: More Social Bookmarking Websites

Video 11: Blog and Ping Marketing

Video 12: Article Marketing – Submitting Articles

Video 13: Article Marketing – Submitting Articles (Continued)

Video 14: Setting Up a Squidoo Lens

Video 15: Setting Up a HubPages Page

Video 16: Writing an Effective Press Release

Video 17: Writing an Effective Press Release (Continued)

Video 18: Best Places and Methods to Submit a Press Release Online

Video 19: Create Video – Find Free Royalty Free Pictures

Video 20: Create Video – Editing Pictures with Free Software

Video 21: Create Video – Record Audio with Free Software

Video 22: Final Steps in Creating Video

Video 23: Submitting Video Online

Video 24: More Places to Submit Your Online video

Video 25: Blog Post Marketing

Video 26: New Ideas for Implementing This Campaign

Video 27: How to effectively use for niche research.

Video 28: How to uncover the best keywords to go after.

Video 29: More amazingly simple yet powerful keyword research methods.

Video 30: How to use an underground magazine website to uncover more hot niche markets that can crank out cash like lightning!

These videos are just top notch with a ton of useful information.

The most amazing thing is the price. For a little bit over $1.00 a video you can own this entire collection.

If you need some clear easy way to learn to finally make money on-line, Affiliate RX is the answer.

The price is to unbelieveable to say no to.

Here is the link again:

Affiliate RX

Article Marketing Is Still King of the Road

Here’s a simple truth:

The fastest and easiest way to gain a new skill,
is to ask someone to just *show you* how to do it!

And that help is even MORE valuable when it comes from
someone who is already getting the results YOU want.

Article Marketing 2.0

Jim Edwards literally wrote the book on marketing with
articles, and he’s got a multi-million dollar business
to show for it.

Wouldn’t you like the chance to learn how to write and
distribute kick-butt articles from him?

Now you can. He’s just released his latest Easy How-To
Video course entitled…

“Article Marketing 2.0”

It’s all about how to master article marketing so you
can drive traffic to your sites and automate the whole
process so you can build your list quickly and easily.

So if YOU want to finally know…

– How to write high quality articles to get highly targeted,
FREE traffic to YOUR websites and blogs (FAST)…

– How to rise to Expert status in your niche in an extremely
short amount of time…

– How to use the simple, step-by-step process for consistent,
information-hungry traffic that also gets you valuable
back-links to your sites…

…Or learn all the ways you can use Article Marketing to
build a rock-solid BUSINESS (not just a momentary traffic
spike that quickly dies off)…

Then you need to get in on “Article Marketing v2.0” to get
the EXACT no-fluff methods and mechanics for churning out
high-quality articles that make you money… with no steps
left out.

*** But time is running out! ***

The door slams shut forever on Wednesday, April 27th at NOON
(Eastern Time) for the DEEPLY discounted price on this one-
of-a-kind program you get the complete step-by-step article
writing and distribution formula that ALWAYS works.

Snag the best pricing NOW, while you still can!

> Artice 2.0

Isn’t it time YOU finally started getting targeted, FREE
traffic to your websites to build your list and make more

If you’ve ever struggled with, or been totally
stressed out trying to write articles your niche audience
actually WANTS to read so you can get more traffic, then
this SOLVES your problem forever!

Act now, and you’ll get the Gold level, with all the bonus
goodies, for the shockingly LOW price of Silver!

Article Marketing 2.0

Here’s to YOUR success with Article Marketing!

Albert Grande

How to Succeed With Your Internet Business

Listen, there a lot of ways to make money on-line.

There is adsense, affiliate programs, creating products and videos. Here is the best way to ensure success: Internet Success System.

If I could distill all of the truth about Internet Success in one word it would be marketing. You need to know how to use the tools of marketing in order to excel on the Internet.

You need a great teacher. You need a great mentor. You need someone who has been there and who has done it. You need someone you can learn from.

You need someone you can know, like and trust. And let me introduce you to the person who originated the saying.

His name is Mark Hendricks. He created a system called the Internet Success System.

He is an Internet Marketer who I respect greatly. Mark is doing something he has never done.

He is offering a 30 day free trial to Internet Success System..

Listen: over the years I have spent thousands on Internet Marketing products. Thousands.

Some of them were great. Some of them were so so. And (though I hate to admit it,) some of them were a complete waste of time and money.

But Internet Success System  paid me dividends. And still pays me dividends. It is one of the best investments I have ever made.

Internet Success System. is a program I recommend totally, without hesitation or reservation.

First of all, the foundation of Internet Success System., is a series of 13 modules. These include everything you need to know about marketing on line. It starts with the basic thing you need which is Mind Set. It continues with modules on competive analysis, products, your marketplace, joint ventures, traffic and listbuilding, infrasructure, testing and more.

Everything you need to know is contained in these modules. Add to this a huge library of vidoes, ebooks, and you have a massive amount of knowledge you can have about becoming a marketing master.

Here is another incredible bonus: every month, Mark hosts Internet Success System. audios. He has them all archived and available to download. These calls go back to 2005.

Honestly, if you just take a look, you will be amazed. Amazed!

Here is the deal: he is offering to let you in the front door for free. You can take a peek at everything contained at zero risk. Then you can continue your membership for $10.00 per month, if you wish. Or you can cancel before the 30 days are up.

I gladly pay for my membership month after month. To me it is not an expense it is an investment. An investment in my own learning and growing as an Internet Marketer.

I’ve made a lot of mistakes. Joining Internet Success System was not one of them.

It was one of the best things I have ever done.

You owe it to yourself and your own success, to at least take a look and decide for yourself. Here is the link: Internet Success System

To your absolute success,

Albert Grande
Internet Marketer and
The Pizza Promoter

Five Easy Ways To Make Money From Your Blog


Your blog has the potential to be a money making magnet, if you know the right steps to take. Blogs once started as a sort of online diary. They’ve been totally transformed to fit a whole range of needs, from a place to house an online newspaper to a simple way to start an Internet stream of income. The following five methods will help you make money from your blog, no matter what niche you are in and how you are using your blog.
1.       Affiliate marketing
This is one of the easiest ways to make money from your blog, and the simplest to start. You begin by selecting an affiliate program from one of the popular affiliate networks. You can either post a review on your blog about the product (complete with your affiliate link) or post ads along the side of your posts (also with your affiliate link). Affiliate marketing is simple to implement because you don’t have to worry about writing a product.
2.       Selling your own product
If you feel there is a need to be met in your niche and want to create your own product, you can add it to your blog for another stream of income. Advertising your own product on your blog is a smart idea. Your readers have already built a level of trust with you so they’ll be likely to be interested in your product. You can link to your product’s sales page directly from your posts and display graphic ads in the sidebars of your blog.And if need help with selling your product you need to check out: Writer’s Secret
3.       Contextual advertising
Contextual advertising, like the type offered at Text Links, will help you make money from your blog without much intervention on your part. When you sign up with Text Links or a similar service, your blog posts will automatically have certain words hyperlinked. These links go to advertiser’s websites. You get paid when someone clicks on a link. Unlike with affiliate programs, you don’t get a commission on the sale but you do get paid whether or not your visitor buys from the advertiser’s site.
4.       Other types of advertising
Google Adsense and other pay per click advertising programs will give you code to add to your website. These programs will display ads in the sidebars of your website. Anytime a visitor clicks on one of these links, you will get paid anywhere from a few cents to a few dollars depending on your niche. These ads don’t appear within the body of your post, but they are based on the content of your posts so they will be attractive to your audience.
5.       Get paid for reviews
Once you have some traffic coming to your blog, you can be paid to post reviews. There are many different networks that link advertisers with bloggers. You simply find an advertiser through one of these networks and promise to post a review on your blog about the product or service. You’ll be paid a flat rate for your review. Be sure the product or service is relevant to your niche for best results with this monetization model.
As you can see, you have a lot of different options when it comes to making money with your blog. Try one or all of these to see what works best for your niche.

If you need any help with your writing I recommend: Writer’s Secret. Marlon Sanders is a master at getting you over the hump of writing., Go to Writer’s Secret now.

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Five Different “Kinds” Of Blog Posts

 Blog posts come in many different forms and lengths. If you want to keep your blog fresh and interesting, you should post often. Creating different types of blog posts will keep your audience interested. It will also keep you from being bored with your blog. Whether you are blogging to make money directly from the blog or blogging to drive traffic to an affiliate program, you should know about these five kinds of blog posts.

If you are interested in generating automatic content for your blog Click Here!

1.       Review blog posts
Review blog posts can help you monetize your blog. When you review a product and include an affiliate link, you’ll make a commission off of each sale generated with your affiliate link. Review blog posts should go over some of the major plusses and minuses of the product. Even if you loved the product, you should keep your review balanced by mentioning a few things that could have been improved. Your audience will appreciate your honesty and be more likely to trust your recommendation. AutoBlog Samurai will post automaticall.
2.       Quick tips
Quick tips are great “in between” posts since they are so short. They are normally between 100 and 250 words. If there’s a great bit of information that you want to share with your niche but it doesn’t really warrant a full blog post, you can post a quick tip. The tip should be focused on one key area of the niche. For example, “How to Grease a Muffin Pan” is a perfect quick tip article for a cooking blog.
3.       Lists
Blog readers love lists! If you’ll look at the most popular blogs you’ll see that they make good use out of this type of blog posts. You can make lists fit any niche topic imaginable. They are great ways to convey information online because they can easily be scanned by web readers who like to skim over information. You can create resource lists that will help your readers find information on your niche. You can also create lists of different ways to accomplish a goal in a niche, like “5 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Sales Letter.” The possibilities are endless.
4.       Interviews
Although these require a bit of preparation, they can be very valuable to your blog. You can interview someone in your niche and share the results of the interview with your blog readers. This will not only help provide valuable content for your blog, but you can also get more traffic to your blog. Likely, the person who you are interviewing will publicize the event on their blog and around the ‘net which will bring more traffic back to you.
5.       How to posts
Like quick tips, how to posts help you provide valuable information to your readers. However, unlike quick tips, these posts go into detail on a certain topic. Some how to posts are even separated out into two or three part courses. For ideas on what to create how to posts about, look at the most frequently asked questions in your niche and develop posts around those topics.

Click Here! if you are interested in learning how to add automatic content to your blog  AutoBlog Samurai is the first and only blogging software that helps you build multiple revenue streams online with a few clicks of the mouse. 



How to Get New Subscribers

Friday, October 1st, 2010


1,514 new subscribers in 3 days for pennies.

That’s what a guy Marlon Sanders met did and I wanted
to share it with you.

It’s a clever, very practical method I haven’t heard anyone
else talk about or teach.

Huge List Buiding Secrets

* It works for newbies
* It works for veterans
* It works in almost ANY target market

There are a few things it is NOT:

* It’s NOT complicated
* It does NOT use Adwords
* It does NOT use Google
* It does NOT use article marketing
* It does NOT use any method you’ve likely heard of

When Marlon talked with with him, he told me that after that
first use he refined the method and now puts 10,000 people
on a list for pennies each with relative ease.

After hearing about this, I KNEW it was something I wanted to
share with you.

Best wishes,

Albert Grande

PS: Go to:  Huge List Buiding Secrets

P.P.S. Or just go to: