Tag Archives: Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead Part 1

Wolfgang's Vault

The Grateful Dead knew their niche.

The Grateful Dead was a rag-tag bunch of misfits and malcontnets. They weren’t the best musicians. They weren’t slick. They never had a “hit” record. And yet they were (and still are), wildly popular.

They became friends with famous artists such as Salvador Dali. Their fan base consisted of U.S. Senators, lawyers, doctors, professionals, and working people.

They went from giving free concerts to a multi-million dollar organization that employed several hundred staff members.

At one time, the Grateful Dead sold out the largest music venues in the country. Generally for two to three days at a time. Sometimes, twice a year.

The organization still makes a bundle to this very day, and yet they have not released any new music.

Lesson 1: Know your niche.

The Grateful Dead did not try to become all things to all people.

They knew early on, their appeal was very limited. While they released music albums, they got very little commercial radio air play.

They understood their audience and their audience understood them. The Dead’s model was to take their music to the people.

They become known through word of mouth. One person would go to a Grateful Dead concert, and they would tell their friends. Soon, they would tell their friends. And on and on.

Their shows became viral messages, as more and more people attended their concerts.

Through it all, they concentrated on their fans. They never tried to appeal to everyone.

The Grateful Dead understood their niche and put their energies in devloping that niche.

you can listen to a great version of Truckin”, right here. (Song starts after 20 second intro…)

End of Part One: Internet Marketing Lessons from The Graeful Dead.

Discover some other Dead music here:

Have a Jerry Christmas and a Happy New Weir,

albert grande
Pizza for Dead Heads

For Internet Marketers: A Cash Cow Mooing to You…

Hello Fellow Marketer,

I have some valuable information for you.

How would you like to make money, with skills you already have?

How about using those skills in a hungry market, that will thank you for
sharing those skills?

If your in a hurry, go here now:

Cash Cow

For the last few weeks I have been
following a thread at the Warriors Forum.

I have to say the information was really incredible.

The thread explained how you can use the skills you already have developed
to consult with owners of websites.

I’m sorry if I sound like I’m hyping this,
but believe me, it made me look at the skills
I’ve developed with Internet Marketing
in a different way.

And, more importantly: if you have any experience with
Internet Marketing, in any niche,
you have developed them, too!

You have the skills already.

I’ve already acted on this information and have gotten some solid leads.

Honestly, as soon as I knew there was a workshop available:
I jumped on it.

This is amazing. Here is the link:

Cash Cow

You will be fine, in 2009,

albert grande
Allow Me to Bribe You…
Make Pizza, Be Happy
The My Sapce and Face Book About Pizza
Hawaii Secrets Now

PS At least read what this is about, then you can decide if its for you:


Is It Possible to Create A Quality Info Product Overnight?

Here’s something you already know: Information Marketing is booming.

But that doesn’t mean much to anyone who doesn’t have their own product.

So how do you create one starting from scratch, especially if you don’t have any experience?

And, more importantly, how soon can you really have a quality info product up and selling? You couldn’t just decide to create a new, high-value product and have it ready in a few days… could you??

Well, if you’ve read Brian McElroy’s rock-solid “Product Creation Manifesto”, then you know that it’s entirely possible.

This is an important subject so I was quick to download a copy of his new report as soon as it was released.

Sure, there’s no shortage of free reports and free videos and free this and free that online … but much of free is regurgitated or outdated info.

Then there are the gems; The ones that are actually worth the time investment to work through.

The “Product Creation Manifesto” is a GEM.

Reading through this 36 page PDF took me one sitting, but the ideas it contains will be running around in my head for weeks.

Some of what I picked up:

Affiliate marketing is EASY when you have your own product. Brian shows how he built up a full-time income from promoting other people’s products… even though he’s no good at it!

Getting Joint Ventures is like a stroll in the park when you follow Brian’s advice. This is the best source of free traffic you could possibly ask for.

Hiring writers to create your product on “freelancer” sites is NOT a good idea! Brian shows you where to pick up incredible bargains.

Those were just from the first few pages!

Brian’s Manifesto also reveals the weird reason why you shouldn’t sell information. It’s a losing ballgame! What you should really sell is a solution, and he reveals his methods for doing so.

This is highly recommended reading for information product merchants and, probably even more so, affiliate marketers.

NOTE: If you do *not* have an info-product of your own or are intimidated by the idea of creating one, this should be required reading.

Click here to pick up your free copy of the new Product Creation Manifesto:


All success,

Albert Grande

P.S. You really need to check this one out:

Best AutoResponder Ever…

If you do anything on the Internet, there are several essential tools. You need to have a domain name, some type of website (or blog) and an AutoResponder. You need a reliable tool that will help manage your list.

You need to have an AutoResponder that has ease of use, and will give you a number of options that you can customize for your needs.

I have tried a number of different systems over the years. There is one that stands out above the pack: Aweber.

Here’s why: It’s easy to create and set up an autoresponder. You can have unlimited autoresponders. That means you easily can have multiple lists for each niche or area that you are marketing.

Aweber has excellent customer support and are very rsponsive to their subscribers.

You can send your email in both text or rich html if you wish. You can also split test your emails, that is send two differnet versions of the same email to the same list to check on conversions. The tools are built right into the system.

Another thing I like is the fact that you can send an rss feed as well as post your emails on-line.

The best feature however is deliverability rates. Aweber prides itself on working closely with ISP’s to make sure your email gets through.

What good is an email or offer to your list if it ends up in a spam folder and never gets read?

Check out some of the latest posts from the Aweber Blog:

If you are thinking about an autoresponder, you need to go to Aweber.

Don’t just take my word for it. Ask anyone who is successful on the Internet. Chances are they are using: Aweber

Be well, stay well.


You Cannot Win, If You Do Not Play…the Story of Promo Dashboard

Hey, I won, again. I’m amazed, shocked and humbled. Really, I can’t believe it. Out of over 100,000 Internet Marketers, I finished in the top 11. Not bad for a Pizza Man / Internet Marketer.

But don’t cut me off, yet. Sure I won. Yeah, I’m happy. But this really is not about me.

It’s about you!

Let me explain…

Recently, Marlon Sanders, Internet Expert and all around good guy, had a contest to promote his new product Promo Dashboard.

Now I own several of Marlon’s Products. Each one is absolutely top notch. I own Affiliate Dashboard as well as Info Product Dashboard. Hey they are both incredible products.

Here was the deal. Here is what Marlon said:
a) FREE Promo Dashboards will be given to the top 5 text entries on the blog.

b) FREE Promo Dashboards will be given to the top 5 VIDEO entries uploaded to YouTube.

Marlon told us he emailed the contest out to over 100,000 people on his list. 100,000!. But, then he said, he was amazed, that no-one had made a YouTube video. No one!

That got me motivated! Hey I thought, I can make a YouTube Video. So I turned on my camera and explained why I wanted to win Promo Dashboard.
(You can see my video right here in this blog. It’s a couple of posts down.)

You can see the results of the contest by going to Marlon’s Blog . Look for the post that says: August 5 And the Winners Are…

But as I said, this post is not about me, or even about winning.

It’s about You! And its about playing. Because in order to win…you have to play.

Think about it: am I kidding myself that I am in the top 11 of 100,000 Internet Marketers? No way! Of course not.

Was my video that good? Abosolutely not! It was simple and cheesy.

The only way I won, the only way: was that I entered. I tried, and I went for it.

The only reason, I won was that 999,993 Internet Marketers, did not make a video and post it on YouTube. They decided to not go for it! Think about it. I really won by default! But I’ll take it!

And hopefully, you can learn a lesson from my good fortune…

So remember that next time you are faced with a choice: are you going to try? Will you throw your hat in the ring? The most powerful words in Internet Marketing (and life) are: I will do it!

This is really about you: the next time you are faced with a choice, just go for it!

I went for it, and I’m very glad I did.

You cannot win, if you do not play…

So play my friend, play!

Just go for it!

See Promo Dashboard right here.

And check out this video, here:

Learn to Promote in Three Easy Steps.

Stay well and Do it!
