Category Archives: Business

Talk is Cheap With Dragon Naturally Speaking

I have struggled with my writing for quite some time…Not that I can’t write. I can write fairly well.

I like to write. Editing takes a lot of time but, I like to write.

Here’s my problem…I am a terrible typist. It takes me a long time to type out the words I want to get out. I can think and talk a lot faster than I can type. I think a lot of people have the same problem. Do you?

I’ve watched the speech to writing software for a while. Hey it looks like it can really cut down on the time it takes for me to type.

The problem was the expense. It semed like a lot of money…Hey I’m a cheapo.

I just recently found an offer I could not refuse. Here it is:

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Standard software with a 63% savings. So I went for it. I just ordered it. I’m not sure how long it will be this price. I think it is an incredible deal. Incredible.

And I wanted to share this deal with you. You can get it here at a great price. Plus it comes with a headset. Sweet!

So I plan on using it to update my blogs, my web pages, my reviews and anytime I have to type something. And I type a lot….

As I said it’s an offer I can’t refuse. and I hope you take a look at it as well.

If you are like me this could save you a lot of time. Hey talk is cheap and time is after all money.

I plan on giving a report on how I make out with this. But at this price, it is something you should not let slip by…

check this out, now; just click on this link  >>> Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Standard<<<


Stay well,



More Tips for Sales Success

 Here are more tips from Danny:

4.     Feature/Benefit

I shouldn’t even have to say it, but every feature should show the customer a benefit. It’s Sales 101. If you don’t know about this part of sales…find a basic sales class and sign up. You’re not ready to talk to customers.

Even though it’s a no brainer…I HAVE to mention it here. It’s crucial. Features mean cost…benefits mean solutions to needs, wants, or problems.


5.     Expand Your Knowledge

You MUST know more than the other salesperson. You need to learn everything you can about your product or service, and every part of your business that relates to it. You also must learn your competition inside and out.

If your customers can’t tell that you are the expert, it’ll be up to them to make the decisions. If they rely on you as the best source of information, they’ll be more comfortable with you making decisions for them, ultimately leading to a successful close.

6.     KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)

First and foremost, don’t talk yourself out of a sale. Don’t “show up and throw up” by reciting every detail about your product every time.

If you’ve done your probing and found out what the customer needs, you can simply tailor the presentation to the points they need to know about. If there is additional information that relates to an important point, by all means throw it into the mix.
Just the basics, then get them involved. If you refer to your notes on the customer, you can get them to ask questions, and then you’re helping them instead of feeding them a pitch.
7.     Feature/Benefit

I shouldn’t even have to say it, but every feature should show the customer a benefit. It’s Sales 101. If you don’t know about this part of sales…find a basic sales class and sign up. You’re not ready to talk to customers.

Even though it’s a no brainer…I HAVE to mention it here. It’s crucial. Features mean cost…benefits mean solutions to needs, wants, or problems.

8.     Expand Your Knowledge

You MUST know more than the other salesperson. You need to learn everything you can about your product or service, and every part of your business that relates to it. You also must learn your competition inside and out.

If your customers can’t tell that you are the expert, it’ll be up to them to make the decisions. If they rely on you as the best source of information, they’ll be more comfortable with you making decisions for them, ultimately leading to a successful close.


Tips for Getting Sales Success…

 Here is some great advice from Danny:

More New Sales. That’s what we’re all looking for. Have you ever wondered why there are times when you can’t figure out what to do next? You find yourself browsing at a book store, music store, hanging out at the house…instead of out selling. Why?

You need a restart. A refresher. A kick start, if you will. More training? REALLY?
Let’s say you have a number of years of sales experience, and have attended numerous training classes, seminars, etc. Why are you continually having to attend new classes that rehash the same old thing?
I all of my years of sales, I never worked for a company that didn’t hold training meetings AT LEAST once a year. In my last job, it happened about 5-6 times a year. Most of the time it was a lot of the same information. Why? And what did I get out of it?
Well, it WAS tedious. At the same time, I DID get something out of it.
Literally…every…single…time. Kinda strange…I never really looked forward to spending 2-3 days of my life re-hashing old sales material, yet somehow I ended up learning something.
Truth is we need continual training. Sometimes, the most useful information was just learning how other sales reps do their jobs.
Training is very useful, and the right kind of training can send you into the stratosphere. Every person finds different help in different areas. The right kind of sales tip or training for you might not mean as much to someone else. But, you never know. Something you’ve never even considered might make the difference between a sale and a no sale…and that sale might mean the difference between a banner year and another “good” year.
Let’s have a banner year! I’ve put together 20 of the best sales tips…as a quick reference for anyone. You may even already know and use much of this information, but next time you find yourself browsing at the mall instead of selling, drag this report out and find something useful to do.
I once read a book that said “if you’re not out selling, you’re being out sold”…
Let’s go…
1.     Make contact

Make contact with all of your customers who either haven’t bought yet, or have only recently bought.

If it’s a potential customer, find out what you can do to move them along in making their decision. Not the used car sales guy-high pressure way, but by trying to sincerely serve them. How can you help them? You are trying to solve a problem they have, and whether they called you or you called on them…if they wanted to hear your sales presentation, they need or want what you’re selling. Make it a problem solving expedition, and SERVE the best you can.

This is tip #1 because it’s easy, and it’s a great place to jump in. Talking to customers is the only way you’re going to sell. Call them. Drop in. Make contact. Sell.

2.     Trial close

Closing is the most important thing you can do. If you don’t ask for the business, you’ll lose more sales than you make. That’s the obvious part.

The not-so-obvious part is when to start closing. Almost every training course discusses this so you probably already know it, but it’s one of the biggest ways to find out how far along the decision making process the customer is at any time.

Ask questions throughout. “Will this option meet your needs? Is this component something you are interested in? Will this meet your need, and/or am I on the right track?”

Trial closes accomplish two things. 1.) Let you know if you are heading in the right direction. 2.) Keep you from over-shooting the buying decision. If the customer is ready to buy, you don’t want to talk yourself out of a sale.Close throughout the sales call…it’ll make it easier to close at the end.

3.      Capture trust

In order to close effectively, you must earn trust. This means many different things to many different people, but to you it means the difference between selling and “giving a quote”. How do we capture trust? What do clients want from us?

Part of this goes back SERVING. You’re going to hear this a lot in this sales, because service is at the heart of any successful sales venture.
Service during the initial presentation
Service during the sale
Service after the sale and product delivery
Service any time the customer needs you. ANY TIME.

Deliver on your promises. Do what you say you are going to do. Return calls, answer questions completely and honestly. Nothing is worse than nailing a sale and then losing it all on a technicality. Don’t be “that guy (or girl)”. Don’t lie…it won’t work out in the long run.

Answer calls in a timely manner
Call back with solutions
Be on time
Follow up
Be honest
Be friendly and positive
Be confident in your knowledge without belittling theirs

Capturing trust is at the heart of sales. Whether you’re asking someone to part with their own hard earned money, or asking a corporation to narrow its profit margin with an added expense…you must deserve the business. If they trust you…you’re one step closer.

How to Get Into the Pizza Business

 Over the years, I have gotten hundreds of emails from people,
wanting information about getting into the pizza business. Here is my best advice. I answered each email with the following:

"If you really want to learn the pizza business, you need to work at a pizza operation and get to know the business inside and out.  Get a job at  a pizzeria. Find a pizza place that makes great pizza and start working there!  You want to learn to make fantastic pizza! I would think that in about 6 months you would know the operation. 

You also will know if making pizza for a living is what you really want to do. Making pizza is difficult, if you are turning out 100-200 pizzas a day. You will work long hours without much rest! You will make a few mistakes, but you will learn from each one!

You need to go to "pizza school" and learn all that you can about making pizza. Talk to successful pizzeria owners. Learn all you can about the restaurant business. Research, study and ask questions! I cannot emphasize this point enough! It does seem very romantic to make pizza for people, but understand, it is challenging. The pizza business can be very lucrative but you do have to work, to make it a success! 

I have spoken ith dozens of pizzeria owners including Gary Bimonte, (co-owner of Pepe’s), about the pizza business. Gary grew up making pizza. He learned the business from his grandfather, Frank Pepe. Gary has stated to me how difficult the business can be. It is a life time commitment! Of course it is rewarding, but you will work long hours to be a success! Hang in there!"

People always wrote back. They were pleased with my response but had very specific questions about how to start a pizza business…

"What do you want to know about the pizza business?", I asked

The requests came pouring in. There were some people who wanted more inside information about where to find a pizza business. Some peole wanted to know where to find a commercial pizza recipe. They wanted the shortcuts, the secrets, the real inside scoop. I continued to find answers.

I spent hours and hours researching their questions and answered all of them.  I spent a lot of time learning about how to start a pizza business…
After hundreds of hours of research, I noticed that I had collected a vast amount of information.  These inside secrets were invaluable for anyone who wanted to know about the pizza business.

Here’s where you can find all of the secrets and all of the inside information, I have discovered about the pizza business…

Listen below to what I have discovered about how to get into the pizza business:


Click here now to get this report:
The Pizza Business Papers by Albert Grande


Promoting Your Website With Videos Works

Did you know videos are one of the most effective ways you can promote your business on-line?
All of the major businesses use on-line videos to promote their business.
Why not you and your business?
You can your own on-line video promoting your business, 24 hours a day / seven days a week?
Go to this website right now and check it out.
Here is the link:
Now of course, I hope that you are so excited about your own video.

Make sure you look at some of the sample vidoes I have created.

You can view the samples here:
I have created videos for tech firms, bands, an auto air conditioning business and even a car rental firm.
Isn’t it about time you had your own video promoting your bsiness 24 hours a day / seven days a week?
Have a look and let me know what you think.
Incidently, my how to make pizza dough video has had over 350,000 views!
Here’s the proof:
Do videos work? 
Yes they do!
Step into the world of video…
Your website and your business, may never be the same…
pizza on earth, and pizza in videos,


Free Business Cards

There is only one company I use when I want to order Business Cards. And now you are elegible for a great deal Special Offer for New Customers: Save 50% Off Your First Order!

250 FREE Business Cards! WOW!

And don’t forget your return address labels. You need them as much as you need business cards: FREE Return Address Labels from! Click here.

Business Cards, who needs them?  If you are in business, the answer is simple. You need a business card. Hundreds of them.  Your business card is the most important promotional devices that you own.  This simple little item is vital for your success and credibility. Your cards will help to promote you, your brand and your offer.  You can use your card as a quick introduction. Your business card is a mirror of who you are. It can explain your business and give you an edge.  Make your business card match you and your unique personality. Have it stand out by using colors, graphics and your personal story.  Your card can not only be an introduction, but a call to action. Your card should reflect what your business represents. But, make sure they are personal business cards and personable. You want to show you are easy to do business with.  It is very important to have business cards on you at all times. Lots of them.  You never know when an opportunity will arise. And opportunities are all around you. You can give them out while waiting in line at the

  • grocery store
  • hang them up at community markets
  • laundromats
  • community gatherings
  • give them away at church
  • schools
  • kid’s sporting events
  • the theater
  • family reunions
  • weddings
  • wine tastings
  • political fund raisers
  • at concerts
  • in bars
  • soccer games
  • basketball games
  • baseball games
  • children’s activities
  • at parties
  • meeting new people
  • funerals

 Business cards are your own personal billboard. They need to be given away as often as possible.
Save 25% to 90% OFF Sitewide. Hurry!

Here is another great deal: 80% OFF Premium Business Cards & FREE Return Address Labels

Don’t forget the power of postcards when marketing. You can discover how to market with postcards, here
Your card can help sell people on you. A business card can be the start of your story. Later, you can fill in the rest of the story.