Promo Dashboard Revealed…

Marlon Sander’s put the word out: he’s got a new product called Promo Dashboard.

It’s all about conversions and getting your product out in front of hungry buyers. It allows you to target your market, create an offer and then turbo charge your conversions.

If anyone can pull this off, Marlon Sanders can.

Here’s some great news: he giving away 10 copies. All you have to do is post a comment on his blog or create a simple video and upload it to YouTube.

You can find out all this contest, at this link:

Promo Dashboard.

Here is the video I made about Promo Dashboard:


Remember, you cannot win, unless you play. All you need to do is post a comment here:

Promo Dashboard.

Laugh as much as you can….

Albert Grande

Got Your Mojo Working?

Hey everybody has mojo, but not everybody is working their mojo

Your mojo is who you are. It is the essence of you. It is your heart and soul. It defines you.

To really be in touch with your mojo you need to be true to yourself. You need to be real.

Your mojo comes through in your day to day activities with everyone you come in contact with.

Your mojo is your own personal power. It can move mountains and change lives.

But you need to get in touch with that mojo. Once you get your mojo working you will be unstoppable. Unbeatable. An irresitible force.

I got my mojo working. Get your own mojo working. Yes you can.

Let me share with you a little gem I discovered on YouTube. It’s the original mojo man himself: Muddy Waters.

I was fortunate to see Muddy play several times. Each performance was memorable and packed with energy. Each time I saw him, he was playing in small bars and venues. His presence was still incredible. you might have though he was palying for 10,000 people. Muddy oozed the blues. Muddy lived in the House of Blues. Muddy was the blues.

This is one of the most moving clips I have ever seen, recorded at the Newport
Jazz Festival
, Newport, Rhode Island in 1960. Muddy comes out and does the tune. The second part of the clip is when he comes back for an encore…incredible!

One of my favorite performances was Muddy singing: I’m A Man, for the Last Waltz. The last waltz was an eclectic collection of musicians put together by The Band on Thanksgiving, 1976. The entire festivities was put together by Bill Graham and filmed by Martin Scorsese.

Respectfully submitted,
Albert Grande
Mojo Man in Training
How to Remodel your Kitchen
How to Make Pizza, Eat Pizza, Love Pizza
All of Hawaii’s Secrets

A Little Reasearch Saved Me $267

I love my video camera. It’s a Sony that is 5 years old. I’ve made lots of videos. I’ve even posted some.
Check some of them out here.
(FYI: Here’s a YouTube video I made with my camera: with 50,000 views by the time you read this!)

I recently noticed that there was something wrong with the camera. A yellow band of blur was showing up in my videos. I had video camera issues, no doubt about it.

I immediately checked different websites to see what kind of support I could get to fix my sick camera. The Sony website explained there was a minimum charge of $267 to fix my camera. I figured after 5 years, it was definitley out of warranty.

Wow, I thought $267? Was it worth it? I was unsure…

I decided to google my camera model number. I found several forums that were discussing issues with my camera.

As I read the posts, I was gettng more depressed by the minute. All of the posts said the same thing: there were bugs with the camera, and there was little that could be done about it. Oh well…

One person suggested calling Sony directly. They said they had been successful in getting their camera fixed for no charge. They even gave a phone number.

Long story short: I called Sony and gave the model number. The support guy said “No problem. We’ll fix it for free and we’ll pay all shipping.”

Obviously, I thought, there have been a number of issues with this camera….

My shippinng label was emailed to me. I put it in a box and took it to the UPS store. I’m as happy as a clam…hopefully, I’ll get my camera back soon and I can start making some more videos. And best of all it didn’t cost me a dime.

So a simple web search saved me over $267.00 and I got my camera fixed, free of charge! Yeah!

Afterthought: I always fill out a registration form everytime I buy anything. I certainly did this when I bought my video camera.
How come if Sony knew there were isssues with this camera, they never contacted me… I’ll still fill out that product registration card next time I make a purchase, even though it’s probably just a waste of time.

Not making videos, yet…


P.S. Here are some sites that are definitely not a waste of time. As a matter of fact you can find lots of valuable stuff:

Traffic Secrets Giveaway: win a copy of John Reese’s incredible Traffic Secrets 2 Product

Viral Marketing Giveaway All of the tools you need to succeed, for free.

Best Viral Video Ever…

Many thanks to Ken McArthur, for sharing this incredible video.

I’m not sure what technology was used. I don’t know how it happened, but Albert Grande, may be the next candidate for president.

You really need to check out the Channel 3 News. This is going to be huge…

I laughed out loud. I was amazed.  Then I laughed again! And you will, too!

This was incredibly easy to create and distribute.

Now go out and declare your own candidacy…

This video is going to be the biggest thing on or off the Internet….

For an Internet Marketer, the implications are staggering. I predict this video will be talked about by the water cooler set, in class, on the playground, at parties and anywhere else people meet.

Thanks Ken, you really made my day!

Albert Grande
Here’s a little viral stuff of my own. I’ll see if this works. Its called the redirect generator…
I just released a simple piece of software.
As a matter of fact, I used the software to create these links….
See it in action! You can get it for free at the following links… I decided to give it away for free at these sites:


Robert Cialdini, the Author of Influence: Speaks Out

When Warren Whitlock speaks I listen. Waren is a mover, a shaker, a play-maker. He always seems to be at the right place at the right time. I’m sure that’s no accident. Warren knows.

He recently posted a link to an audio of one of my very favorite marketing authors, Robert Cialdini. Cialdini wrote the now classic, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. This book is a must read for everyone who who is in any kind of business. The book contains so much useful information, it really should be mandatory reading for anyone interested in marketing on line and off.

Mitch Axlerod, conducts the interview. Mitch calls Dr. Cialdini, the God Father of Ethical Persuasion.This is an extremely rare interview. I urge you to head right over to Mitch’s Blog and download the Caildini Interview, here.

The conversation is an eye opener. Dr. Caildini also discusses his latest book.

Thanks, Warren, thanks Mitch, and thanks Dr. Cialdini. This is great information!

Mini-site Profits Exposed Reviewed

Michael Rasmussen is a marketer’s marketer.  If you follow the stats, he is always right at the top of affiliate promotions. He is an excellent copywriter as well as a website builder and designer. This guy  knows his business.

His latest launch Min-site Profits Exposed, is a series of 12 videos that will teach you step by step how to set up a profitable mini-site.

I have had a chance to review this latest product. First of all these are not 2 minute mini videos. Each video is an in depth look at the entire marketing process. Rassmussen discusses how and why to set up an auto-responder system, white listing your email address, and examples of messages you should send.

 He  then goes into the process of setting up your mini-sites. He explains all of the tools that you need and even gives recommendations of low cost / no cost tools to get you started.

 He completely explains how you should monetize your websites. I was most impressed with Rasmussen’s teaching style. He assumes nothing as he gives simple step by step instructions. He genuinely wants you to succeed.

The most amazing thing about this product is that it is totally free. The content contained here is such a high quality, I would have gladly paid for it. There is also a deluxe package of these videos, however, basic membership has no cost.

These videos are so valuable that you should at least take a look. I was impressed with the number of tips I was able to implement after watching the first 3 videos.

I recommend Mini-site Profits Exposed  highly. If you are a newbie or experienced marketer, there is something here for you.

Oh by the way: did I mention these 12 vidoes are completely free?

 Do yourself a favor and discover how making mini-sites can put some money in your pocket.

Here To Get FREE Private Access to
$197 Value, Life Changing Product! 

Check out these videos right now.

Go for it,

Albert Grande

 PS: For some more great stuff, check out the following:

Also for some great products, please check out: 


Are You Ready to Take Your First Step…

I taught my daughter to walk. It wasn’t that difficult.

First I had to teach her to roll over, sit up, and crawl…

I first explained to her what she had to do, then I gave her a reason to do it. Finally, I modeled each step for her until she finally got it. At first she cried a bit, but we practiced and practiced until she got it.

OK, it really didn’t go down that way…

I wish it was so easy. The truth of the matter is this: she learned to crawl, sit up and walk when she was ready. Of course she was encouraged each step of the way, but in the end, she made a choice to take her frst step. And she fell down plenty of times in the process.

In a way, learning to start your own web business can be like learning to crawl, sit up and then taking that first step.

Remember, like my daughter, you will fall down a few times. Plenty of times. But you have to get right back up. Don’t worry if you fall down. Don’t be discouraged.

But, here is the key: you have to take your first step…

Are you ready to take your first step?

  • When you have your own website, you can sell your own products
  • You can sell other people’s products through affiliate programs
  • You will have your own business and be independent
  • You can promote your hobbies and interests.
  • You can make money by just sharing part of yourself and your own passions

But are you ready to take the first step?

Here is an invaluable resource to help you take your first step. This is a series of videos that will model all of the steps you need.

I created an audio introduction for you. I really think this is an amazing resource. 

Be well. stay well and take that first step….

Here are some other books that will get you started…

Viral Marketing Lessons from Ben and Jerry

Ben and Jerry practiced a powerful marketing model. This article discusses these secrets with a first hand account of their methods.

Many years ago, I lived in Vermont when a new home-made ice cream store opened its doors.

The ice cream stand, located in Burlington, was in a gas station that had long ago been abandoned. This was not a fancy operation. This was very bare bones. It was functional without a lot of fluff.

Behind the counter were several ice cream machines that looked like they could barely work. The machines squeaked and moaned as they turned, creating home-made ice cream.

The people behind the counter had a passion for what they were doing. They eagerly served their customers whatever was requested.

Each customer was treated as if they were special. A nod and a smile or positive comment accompanied each item sold.

Slowly by slowly the business grew. Ice cream cone by ice cream cone the word went out: if you want to get great ice cream, you need to check out Ben and Jerry’s. People flocked to the ice cream store.

Soon, lines out the door were common. Ben and Jerry were advertising their product with powerful, word of mouth, viral marketing.

The reason for their success was more than just the ice cream. They gave back to the community.

The owners started a tradition during the summer by showing free movies once a week. The movie was projected on a wall outside the ice cream stand. This became a much anticipated community event.

 Crowds showed up for every movie, with blankets and beach chairs. They turned the parking lot into a miniature drive-in theater. The crowds ordered a lot of ice cream. They all told a lot of their friends about Ben and Jerry’s.

Now their marketing message was spreading like a virus…

Read the rest of the Ben and Jerry story

 Be well, stay well.

Kitchen Remodeling with an Attitutde
Italian Food Therapy, because deep down we’re all Italian…

Beruhmte gratis casinospiele.

Your Most Valuable Internet Tool: It’s Free

Let me share with you the most valuable tool you can ever use. I use this tool everytime I am on-line. It has saved me countless hours and it has a memory better than an elephant.

RoboForm: Learn more...

 If you have an email address,  or multiple email addresses. If you belong to one membership site or 500, this tool will save you time and aggravation also.

The name of my absolute favorite tool is: RoboForm. It’s easy to use, it updates itself and it will save you valuable time. I can fill out all of the forms you encounter on the Internet and more importantly, it will remember every site you signed up to.

To say it is amazing is an understatement. I use RoboForm, everytime I go on the Internet. This little tool has become my little, best friend. And it remembers everything, so I don’t have to.

Another great feature is that it is totally secure. You need to log on once to use it, and it will keep a running tab of all the sites you enter information. 

You can read an additional review about it here on my website: Grande Publishing, Ebooks, Information and Internet Marketing. This is an invaluable tool. You can download it for free and take a test drive. You will not be disappointed.

RoboForm: Learn more...

And it’s easy to use. Just like Ron Popeil said: “You set it and forget it!”

I can honestly tell you this was one of the best decisions I have ever made. This has saved me hours and hours of wasted time searching for passwords.

RoboForm, I recommend this without hesitaiton or reservation!

Download it for free, right here.