Got Your Mojo Working?

Hey everybody has mojo, but not everybody is working their mojo

Your mojo is who you are. It is the essence of you. It is your heart and soul. It defines you.

To really be in touch with your mojo you need to be true to yourself. You need to be real.

Your mojo comes through in your day to day activities with everyone you come in contact with.

Your mojo is your own personal power. It can move mountains and change lives.

But you need to get in touch with that mojo. Once you get your mojo working you will be unstoppable. Unbeatable. An irresitible force.

I got my mojo working. Get your own mojo working. Yes you can.

Let me share with you a little gem I discovered on YouTube. It’s the original mojo man himself: Muddy Waters.

I was fortunate to see Muddy play several times. Each performance was memorable and packed with energy. Each time I saw him, he was playing in small bars and venues. His presence was still incredible. you might have though he was palying for 10,000 people. Muddy oozed the blues. Muddy lived in the House of Blues. Muddy was the blues.

This is one of the most moving clips I have ever seen, recorded at the Newport
Jazz Festival
, Newport, Rhode Island in 1960. Muddy comes out and does the tune. The second part of the clip is when he comes back for an encore…incredible!

One of my favorite performances was Muddy singing: I’m A Man, for the Last Waltz. The last waltz was an eclectic collection of musicians put together by The Band on Thanksgiving, 1976. The entire festivities was put together by Bill Graham and filmed by Martin Scorsese.

Respectfully submitted,
Albert Grande
Mojo Man in Training
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