Viral Marketing Lessons from Ben and Jerry

Ben and Jerry practiced a powerful marketing model. This article discusses these secrets with a first hand account of their methods.

Many years ago, I lived in Vermont when a new home-made ice cream store opened its doors.

The ice cream stand, located in Burlington, was in a gas station that had long ago been abandoned. This was not a fancy operation. This was very bare bones. It was functional without a lot of fluff.

Behind the counter were several ice cream machines that looked like they could barely work. The machines squeaked and moaned as they turned, creating home-made ice cream.

The people behind the counter had a passion for what they were doing. They eagerly served their customers whatever was requested.

Each customer was treated as if they were special. A nod and a smile or positive comment accompanied each item sold.

Slowly by slowly the business grew. Ice cream cone by ice cream cone the word went out: if you want to get great ice cream, you need to check out Ben and Jerry’s. People flocked to the ice cream store.

Soon, lines out the door were common. Ben and Jerry were advertising their product with powerful, word of mouth, viral marketing.

The reason for their success was more than just the ice cream. They gave back to the community.

The owners started a tradition during the summer by showing free movies once a week. The movie was projected on a wall outside the ice cream stand. This became a much anticipated community event.

 Crowds showed up for every movie, with blankets and beach chairs. They turned the parking lot into a miniature drive-in theater. The crowds ordered a lot of ice cream. They all told a lot of their friends about Ben and Jerry’s.

Now their marketing message was spreading like a virus…

Read the rest of the Ben and Jerry story

 Be well, stay well.

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