All posts by Albert Grande

My Ultimate Pizza Secret…

Really, there is no secret: if you want to make great pizza, it all starts with the dough.
If you want great pizza you need a great pizza dough.

I have a simple step by step pizza dough recipe. I won’t pretend this is the best pizza recipe, but it is very good and very easy.  Anybody can make pizza. I give away my pizza dough recipe for anyone that signs up for my newletter: Pizza News. Sigh up here.

This dough recipe makes making pizza as easy as pie.  

Here is my pizza dough video:


If you really want to know all of my pizza secrets. Check out:

Pizza Therapy Pizza Book

The Pizza Therapy Pizza Book. Makes making pizza as easy as pie. Make your own incredible pizza. Claim your copy today.

Pizza is at the center of the universe. Pizza is the universal truth. Learn to make pizza. Your friends will praise you. Your kids will love you. You will get more dates than you ever thought possible.

The Pizza Therapy Pizza Book. for you, right now.

pizza on earth, good will to all,

Albert Grande

Do You Really Know Where You Are Going?

My mom sent the following to me. I wish I could take credit for it, but I can’t. It is a great story. Read on:

In January 2000, leaders in Charlotte, North Carolina,
invited their favorite son, Billy Graham, to a luncheon in
his honor.

Billy initially hesitated to accept the invitation because he
struggles with Parkinson’s disease.  But the Charlotte
leaders said, “We don’t  expect a major address. Just
come and let us honor you.”
So he agreed.

After wonderful things were said about him, Dr.  Graham
stepped to the rostrum, looked at the crowd, and said, “I’m reminded today of Albert Einstein, the great physicist who this month has been honored by Time magazine as the
Man of the Century.  

 Einstein was once traveling from Princeton on a train when the conductor came down the aisle, punching the tickets of every passenger.   When he came to Einstein, Einstein reached in his vest pocket.  He couldn’t find his ticket, so he reached in his trouser
pockets.  It wasn’t there, so he looked in his briefcase but couldn’t find it.  Then he looked in the seat beside him.  
He still couldn’t find it.

The conductor said, “Dr.  Einstein, I know who you are.  We all know who you are.  I’m sure you bought a ticket.  Don’t worry about it.” Einstein nodded appreciatively.  The conductor continued down the aisle punching tickets.  As he was ready to
move to the next car, he turned around and saw the great physicist down on his hands and knees looking under his
seat for his ticket.

The conductor rushed back and said, “Dr. Einstein, Dr. Einstein, don’t worry, I know who you are.  No problem.  You don’t need a ticket. I’m sure you bought one.”

Einstein looked at him and said, “Young man, I too, know who I am.  What I don’t know is where I’m going.'”

Having said that Billy Graham continued, “See the suit I’m wearing?
It’s a brand new suit.  My wife, my children, and my grandchildren are telling me I’ve gotten a little slovenly in my old age.  I used to be a bit more fastidious.  So I went
out and bought a new suit for this luncheon and one more occasion.

You know what that occasion is?  This is the suit in which I’ll be buried.  But when you hear I’m dead, I don’t want you to immediately remember the suit I’m wearing.  I want
you to remember this:

I not only know who I am .. I also know where I’m going.”

May your troubles be less, your blessings more, 
 and may nothing but happiness, come through your door.

Be well, stay well. Know where you are going.


Albert Grande

Jeremy and Simon: Internet Madmen Who Are Successful…

Jeremy Gislason and Simon Hodgkinson are dangerous. They are brilliant marketers. They do make money. However, they are always putting themselves out on the edge. They walk a fine line. But somehow, they continue to land on their feet.

If you want to be successful, you need to be around successful people. Jeremy and Simon are successful. They define success in Internet marketing.

Take the latest site they recently launched:  Internet Millionaire.

These guys are not strangers to creating membership sites. They are the brain trust behind Marketing Main Event I, II and III websites. This program sold for hundreds and hundreds of dollars. To their credit, they put a cap on the amount of members they allowed in. They easily could have sold more. They refused to dilute the product.

Now they have launched, Internet Millionaire. When you become a member you’ll discover everything Jeremy & Simon know about building online businesses and marketing with membership sites.

Right now you can get access at no cost:

> > > 100% FREE! < < <

Just go here:

Internet Millionaire.

Lots of free content available and tons more content, such as a forum and JV Network if you decide to upgrade…For me upgrading was a must. However you can still get a ton of content at zero cost.

Make sure you sign up now, while there is no cost. Jeremy and Simon could easily charge for this website. Like I said, they are dangerous. So make sure you get over there now.

To get your FREE membership just head
over to this link now:

Internet Millionaire.
To Your Success!

pizza on earth, good will to all!
Albert Grande

Have You Seen This Incredible Video Yet?

Albert Grande here, and I have a quick question for you.
What is the best gift to give an Internet marketer
like yourself?

When I was growing up, people would sometimes give me
a card with money in it. That was always nice, but the
problem was… after I’d spend it, I’d be broke again.
I think a better gift for people like us is the gift
of learning how to make more money on our own, so we
can replace the money we spend.

The good news is… I’m about to give you a gift that
will do just that! This gift (if you use it) is a
sure-fire way to make you more money right away, and
for the rest of your online marketing career. In fact,
you’ll benefit from this gift every single time you
write an email.

What is this incredible thing that I’m about to give you?

If you’re in a hurry, just go ahead and take a look at
this web page to see what I’m talking about in this


It’s a special, high-quality video tutorial that will
walk you through the process of creating killer email
promotions that get people to buy whatever you’re
selling. Would it be valuable for you to have the
skill of writing emails that get people to spend money?

You bet it would!

The video is priced at $197, but I’m able to give it
to you without spending a dime thanks to a special
deal I worked out with my friend Michael Rasmussen.

Who is Michael Rasmussen? He’s one of the world’s top
super affiliates in Internet marketing. Every time he
promotes a product, he makes a TON of money for both
himself and the product developer.

A lot of people will say that’s because he’s got a big
list, but that’s only half true. There are other
marketers who have email lists larger than him that
can’t even come close to the amount of sales he
generates with a single email.

Why is that?


And the best part? He wants to teach you how to do the
same for free! He created an amazing set of online
video tutorials called Email Promos Exposed, and
instead of charging the $197 that the course is worth,

Why? Because Michael realizes that you may not have
heard of him before, and so he wants to prove himself
to you by giving you some of his best material up

He’s prepared a short video presentation for you to
show you all the free stuff you’re about to get. The
video will only be up for a few days, so go ahead and
watch it now. Here’s the URL:



In the video, Michael will mention a special OTO that
you can buy if you’d like. That part is completely
optional, and either way you’ll still get Email Promos
Exposed for free.

I wanted to mention it ahead of time, so that you know
what to expect. The products included in the OTO are
an incredible value all by themselves, but Michael has
done something even better. He is giving my readers an
EXTRA goodie that other people cannot get!

Go ahead and watch this short video, so you can see
what the bonus is (hint… it’s a DVD). Whether or not
you decide this is for you, make sure you get your
hands on the Email Promos Exposed videos right away.
Remember, they’re free, so you’ve got nothing to lose.

Here’s the URL one last time:


Albert Grande

 P.S. Yoo really need to check this out:

Info-Product Dashboard by Marlon Sanders: Make Products, Make Money

Marlon Sanders has just created a tool that will help you create, and market your own information products. What can be cooler than that? 

Marlon keeps adding bonuses to his new
Info-Product Dashboard.

I am not sure how long the bonuses will be there so you better hurry. 
 Go there now>>>-Product Dashboard

As someone who owns many of Marlon’s products, I have to say, he has outdone himself with
Info-Product Dashboard. He holds nothing back and gives you step by step directions to assist you with your own information product.

Click here>>> Info-Product Dashboard

You may be wondering if this product’s for you.
To see if you’re among the large percentage that can
benefit from the Info-Product Dashboard, just run through
this list of simple criteria:

* If you have thought to yourself, “That would make a
great Info-Product,” this applies to you.

* If you are working the 9 to 5, trading your time for
dollars; this applies to you.

* If you’ve had that info product idea in the back-burner
for a year; and you still haven’t started it yet, this
applies to you.

* If you’re about to begin writing an ebook or are
partway through one, this applies to you.

* If you feel that you’re not an expert on anything; but
still want to create your own product, this applies to you.

* If you tried to create a product of your own
but gave up, this applies to you.

* If you’ve got a bunch of “half done” products on
your desktop, this REALLY applies to you.

* If you think it’s too hard to create your own
info-product, this definitely applies to you.

* If you think it takes too much money to create your
own info product, this STILL applies to you.

* If you have just 1 hour a day to spare to work on your
info-product, this applies to you.

* If you’ve got a web page that isn’t converting as well
as you’d like, this applies to you.

* If you think you can never create a professional looking
info product audio cd, pdf, ebook, or download pages; this
applies to you.

* If you’ve ever had a problem getting your payment
processing set up to take orders online, you need to
read this.

* If you know you want to sell products online but
haven’t gotten around to doing anything about it,
then this product REALLY applies to you.

Finally, if you’re not 100% satisfied with the results
you are achieving right now, then this applies to you.

Head over to…

Info-Product Dashboard

I know this will help you.

Best wishes,

Pizza on Earth, Good will to All!

Albert Grande

PS: There is still plent of time to check out the most amazing giveaway the 
12 Days of Christmas. I just downloaded six hours of audio of a seminar given by Mark Hendricks. Powerful stuff for any marketer. Go there now and get the seminar for free>>>
12 Days of Christmas
Also check out:
The Viral Giveaway: more incredible free e-books, tools, videos..

Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus and his name is Mark Hendricks

Brace yourself for a ton of free gifts. from Mark Hendricks’ 12 Days of Christmas. 

The holidays are almost here and that can only mean one thing
The 12 Days of Christmas has opened its doors.
You will find an amazing amount of zero cost valuable tools, ebooks and more.
 Make sure you shake the snow off your boots before you come in.You’ll need to clean up your hard drive to free up some space to download the valuable gifts.This is one of the best Christmas celebrations around.
You will find an avalanche of incredible free gifts,
to stuff your Christmas stocking.

Here is the link:
Here’s where you can sign up and get first access and first shot at
all the goodies:

I’ve already been inside. It’s amazing the vast amount of valuable products.
Unless you sign up, you’ll just have to imagine all he’s got
lined up for this year’s 12 Days of Christmas!!

Albert Grande
Elf in Training

PS: Don’t wait. You deserve these presents:


The Law of Reciprocity, Camtasia, SnagIt, Video

There has been a firestorm of activity since Techsmith decided to give away versions of Camtasia and Snag-It for free. These are full older versions of their software. The idea is that you will like the older version so much you will upgrade to the newer version.

This company really knows how to practice The Law of Reciprocity.  This is a brilliant marketing strategy which is discussed in my (free) e-book, When you Give You Get. Download your copy here.

Techsmith has made an older version of the very powerful video creating software, Camtasia, available for free.

Download your copy of Camtasia  >>>here.<<<  You will need the key to activate it. Get the Camtasia key code to activate your copy right here.

Now Techsmith is giving away their incredible screen capture software called SnagIt.

Download a copy of SnagIt, here. You will need the key code, download it here. There are so many things you can do with Snag-It. You will be amazed at the usefulness of this software.

Here is a short video that will show you how to use Camtasia.


If you want a very useful ebook about Camtasia go to this link:

Don’t forget:

Here is how you can practice the Law of Reciprocity: register right here, right now for the 12 Days of Christmas. (It is completely free.)

Albert Grande
Elf-In-Training for The 12 Days of Christmas

A Mountain of Marketing Gifts from the 12 Days of Christmas

The holidays are almost here and that can only mean one thing the 12 Days of Christmas will be opening its doors soon. Make sure you shake the snow off your boots before you come in.

You’ll need to clean up your hard drive to download these valuable gifts.

This is one of the best Christmas celebrations around. You will find an avalanche of incredible free gifts, to stuff your Christmas stocking.

the 12 Days of Christmas is organized by a really good guy named Mark Hendricks. Mark Hendicks is a man of integrity and honesty. He is a role model and a teacher.

Here’s where you can sign up and get first access and first shot at
all the goodies:

the 12 Days of Christmas

I’m already signed up, and can’t wait to see all he’s got
lined up for this year’s 12 Days of Christmas!!
Albert Grande
Elf in Training

One Secret to Personal Power: A Free Guide

To succeed at anything in life you must be in touch with yourself. If you discover who you are and where you are going, you will be totally unstoppable. With self knowledge, you can gain insights and harness your own personal power.

Being uptight, nervous, and anxious will derail your train of success. You need to learn to focus on your goals in a positive manner. Worrying about money, relationships, and other problems will attract negativity into your existence. Remember like attracts like. That is the Law of Attraction. If all you do is focus on your problems and what you don’t have, you are attracting those very things you don’t want into your life.


Meditation is the key

A proven method to calm yourself and focus what you do want, is through meditation. Meditation will allow you to calm your fears. You will be able to laser down to what you really desire.  You will be energized. You will be renewed. You will be able to stop the noise of negativity in your life. You will attract only that which is positive. You will harness positive energy to be used as a force in you life.

Certainly easier said than done. You need to start your meditations. A step by step system is needed. You do need to practice. You need to have passion, and then take action.

Go to this link  to claim a free road map to meditation. Click Me

Be well, Stay well, and get in touch with your personal power.

Albert Grande

Pizza Therapy
Law of Reciprocity

The Best Pizza Resource on the Internet

I Clash with the Clash: A Rock and Roll Story

OK, I’m exaggerating. I didn’t really Clash with the Clash, but I did meet two members of the band. One was very rude, while the other was extremely pleasant.

Here’s what happened:

During the 80’s I lived in Vermont. Believe it or not, quite a few bands pased through. It may have been because Burlington, Vermont was about 5 or 6 hours from New York, 4 hours from Boston and about 2 hours from Montreal.

Maybe some bands had an extra Monday or Tuesday night. The shows were always during the week.

Anyway, The Clash put on a concert at Patrick Gym, part of the University of Vermont (UVM).  As I recall I do not think the show was sold out, so I was able to buy a ticket that night.

The Clash were very amazing. This was part of their Combat Rock tour, so the entire stage was decked out with a camouflage setting.

They ripped thorough a amazing set of many of their songs. The band was very bare bones, they did not use a lot of special effects. The show was a long one. I was extremely pleased to have seen them.

I had been a fan since their London Calling album. They were a very influential band as far as I’m concerned. I think The Clash really influenced many of the post-punk and new wave bands that were to follow. I particularly like Sandinista! This was a very melodic album which really let the band shine thorough.

The concert left me quite satisfied. I felt I had witnessed a legendary performance. And to this day, I feel that is true.

After the show, I decided to check out my favorite bar, Hunt’s. Hunts was a great bar because not only did they have live music almost every night, but they had big name bands playing there.

On this night there was a band called The Brains, or The Bad Brains. I’m not really sure. Hunts was a very small place, with not many tables. Since I was there late, I decided to hang up at  the bar. I ordered a beer.

With-in a short while, there was a commotion at the front door. The Clash had arrived to check out the show. Mick Jones, stood next to me. “Hey, Mick”, I said “can I buy you a drink?”. He ignored me.

Just then someone took out a camera and started to take some pictures of the band. The Clash’s manager shot up his hand in front of the camera. “I don’t want any pictures of the band in boring places,” he said. The camera was put away.

I looked over to my right and standing next to me was Joe Strummer. “Joe, great show tonight”.

“Thanks,” he said. He looked exhausted. I asked him if I could buy him a beer.

“Sure”, he responded. And for a couple of minutes, he wasn’t a rock star, just an ordinary guy, making conversation at the bar.

I didn’t ask for an autograph or anything. I did not want to bother him in any way. We spoke for a couple of minutes and he left to join the rest of the band.

Joe Strummer died a couple of years ago. He left the Clash and had a successful solo career. But for a couple of minutes of his life, at a bar in Vermont, he took out time to speak with someone who really enjoyed his music. Thanks Joe. I really appreciated that.

Law of Reciprocity

The Best Pizza Resource on the Internet