All posts by Albert Grande goes for 2.6 milliom…

I was as shocked as anyone when I heard went for 2.6 million.

After all bidding started at $100.00. For $100.00, I’m ready to buy a domain name. After all this is the mother of all pizza sites.

Recently, I noticed that is now on the block…

 All right, I may be ready to get out of the pizza business, for the right price.

Check out this video:

pizza and prosperity…

Albert Grande
Pizza Therapy: Everything About Pizza
Viral Link Tracker on Squidoo
Dreams: The Unseen Power in Your Life
Hawaii Secret Dot Com Blog
Pasta Therapy: Learn to Love Pasta
Learn All About Memory Loss

Piggy Backing on 32,000 YouTube Views

I wanted to share with you a strategy I learned recently about using YouTube to expand your reach. You’ll get more visitors to your site, increase your sales and hopefully, your opt-in leads

The notion is that when the popular video is shown, your video may be featured in a box at the end of the video and you may get lots of views by being associated with the video. Great strategy.

Well, I’ve decided to capitalize on one of my own popular videos. I have a video about making pizza dough that has been watched over 32,000 times. Frankly I’m shocked that so many people are interested in pizza dough.

I decided to create a video which is basically an ad for my Pizza Therapy Pizza Book. I called the video: How To Make Pizza, Part 2.

So everytime someone watches my video on pizza dough, my other video ad will show up. And, I’ll sell a few more e-books.

So if you want to learn to make great pizza, go here: The Pizza Therapy Pizza Book.

That’s all for now.

Albert Grande

In Honor of Gary Halbert: Supreme Marketer

It’s hard to believe Gary Halbert, passed away one year ago.

Gary was an incredible resource and inspriation for all marketers.

Fortunately, he lives on in his wiritngs and his videos. His children have vowed to keep his memory alive. For your own inspiration, go to The Gary Halbert Letter, here.

He called himself, “The Prince of Print…”

Here’s why…


Be well.

Albert Grande 

Rolling Stones: YouTubes Living Legends Series

YouTube recently announced recently a new video series about Living Legends. You will be able to interact, ask questions and get involved with some of the most famous people on the planet.

The series starts out with The Rolling Stones. Discover the Legends Series here.

Now I’ve been a Rolling Stones fan for as long as I can remember. I’ve seen the Stones in concert. This band knows how to rock. Amazingly, they have proven their longevity. Hey, they are not only playing rock and roll, but they are still alive. Amazing!

Now they have a new film out done by Martin Scorsese,  called “Shine A Light”. Scorsese did my favorite concert film, The Last Waltz

Here’s an excerpt. The Stones paly Jumpin’ Jack Flash.


 Make sure you check out my pick for the greatest concert movie of all time: The Last Waltz

Rock On….

Albert Grande

Fastest Way to Make Money On-Line…

If you really want to be a success and make money:
you need to hang out, and listen to, people that are making money.

I’m going to share with you, one of my favorite Internet Marketers, Joel Comm.
Believe me, Joel Comm makes money.

So the formula is: 1) register a domain 2) throw up a web site 3) make lots of money…right?

Of course not!

Joel gives great advice in order for you to be a success on line.
Let’s listen in and learn:

Here are a couple of places you can go to get started:

If you want to make money with products you need to go to:
Extreme PLR Makeover.

If you want to be part of a supportive community of Internet Marketers, go to: Surefire Success System. This website will teach you to make money.

Be well. Stay well. Laugh often.

Albert Grande

Russian Omelette: A Most Dangerous Game

True story:

My friend Bob was an amazing character, musician, shaman, mentor, teacher, psychologist and a close friend. He was always trying to outdo himself.

One Christmas he stood outside of our house with his trumpet, unannounced. We could hear him playing Christmas carols. We opened the door and he marched in improvising jazz riffs based on traditional Christmas music. He marched up the stairs without saying a word and kept playing. He stayed for a few minutes trumpet to his lips, making sweet sounds.

He then marched down the back stairs, still playing, and left. We could hear the sounds of the trumpet in the distance as he walked home through the woods. That was Bob.  Always making simple events, incredible. You get the picture.

One Easter Morning, he hopped in my room, wearing a bunny suit. He threw a party invitation on my bed, and hopped away.

 The invitation stated, we were invited to his house, for an Easter Brunch. After breakfast we were going to play Russian Omelette.

Russian Omelette,” I thought, “what’s that?”

After an incredible gourmet brunch, Bob explained it was time to play the game. 

He produced a carton of eggs and opened it as he explained: “Russian Omelette is very similar to Russian Roulette. Instead of using a gun, we are going to use eggs.”

Everyone around the table was speechless.

“All of the eggs in this carton are hard boiled, except one. One of the eggs is raw.  We will pass this carton around the table. When the carton is in front of you, you will place an egg on top of your head and then smash it down with your hand. ”

The carton of eggs was passed around. There was tension and dread as each person in turn took an egg and smashed it down on their head.

Hard boiled egg after hard boiled egg was smashed on each head.

Fiinally, there was one egg left and the egg carton was placed in front of one person: me.

I hesitantly placed the egg on top of my head. I was sweating. I was nervous. I didn’t want to get egg all over my face.

Before I could react, someone hit my hand pressing the egg with great force, then…

nothing happened.

All the eggs were hardboiled. Bob had scammed us.

I learned an important lesson in life that day. Sometimes the anticiaption of dread can be worse than the actual event you are dreading. And sometimes, the anticipation of something great can be better than actually getting it. How true.

Now every Easter, I reflect on on Bob and our memorable game of Russian Omelette. And I remember the lesson I learned.

Thanks Bob. Thanks for a wonderful lesson in life. I miss you.

Albert Grande

P.S. I just ordered a new batch of business cards. Get your, too:

My $41 Million Dollar Letter (and Yours, too)

I got a letter from the IRS, last week. Believe me, I only like letters from the IRS, when there is a check inside. This letter did not contain a check.

“Dear Taxpayer…” the letter said.

I was sweating. I was in a panic. I felt faint. I thought I had paid my taxes. I had all of my receipts and cancelled checks. I had declared all of my income from Google (adsense), Amazon, Clickbank as well as countless other affiliate programs I belong to. All of my other products I sold through Paypal  had been declared. My 1099’s were an open book.

I was expecting to find an audit had already been scheduled.
I read on…

Wait a minute: the IRS was sending me money. Great I thought. Finally, I’m getting some cash. $600 if I was single or $1,200 if I was married. Alright, I’m getting $1,200.

Sounded like a wonderful idea, I thought, at the time.

Then, I discovered, my IRS letter went out to every single taxpayer in the U.S. to the tune of $41,000,000.  You read that correctly: $41,000,000.

A $41,000,000 letter telling me the check was in the mail.

Now, I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but $41,000,000 is not pocket change.

How many hungry people could that money have fed? How many homeless shelters or homes could have been built? How much could have gone to cancer research? Aids research? Or other worthwhile projects.

How many jobs could that money have created? The IRS could have paid people to call up taxpayers to explain they had a check coming. Heck, I would have called a couple of hundred people myself, if the price was right.

My friends at the Motley Fool have their own spin on this issue. You can read the story here.

Maybe its just me, but, the IRS, could have found a better way to spend the money. They could have easily,  just put the letter in the same envelope as the check, I will be getting.

At least then, I wouldn’t have been so nervous when the letter came. Or as angry when I found out their letter wasted $41,000,000 that could have been spent on something worthwhile.

Happy Spending,

Albert Grande

Here is a great giveaway event:

Get My Free Ebook: Big Ideas, Big Profits. Click Me.

PS Check this out while you still can:


Phishing Scams – Don’t Get Fooled (Like I Did)

I never thought it would happen to me. I’m just to careful. I don’t open e-mail attachments.  I never take chances. But, I did become the victim of a phishing scam and it wasn’t pretty. Let me explain.

According to Wikipedia: “In computing, phishing is a criminal activity using social engineering techniques. Phishers attempt to fraudulently acquire sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords and credit card details, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.”

I should have known better…I never fall for those phishing scams…well almost never…

You know what I’m talking about- you get an email from Paypal, ebay or your bank. The email looks genuine. All of the familiar graphics are there on the page. It looks exactly like the real website. How was I to know I was being set up for a scam…

Here’s what happened: I had just completed an auction at eBay. A very successful auction. eBay immediately sent me an email. At least I thought it was from eBay…. The email said I owed money from my auction. They said I needed to pay immediately or my account would be suspended.

I certainly didn’t want my account suspended, I wanted to pay. I looked at the email and I clicked where it said to click.

I filled in my user name and password, just like I always do when I log onto eBay. Then nothing happened. Wow, I thought. Strange. Maybe just an Internet glitch. It happens all the time. I opened a new window and manually typed in the eBay address. As soon as I logged onto the “real” eBay, I realized, I had been scammed.

I immediately changed my password. Then I logged onto Paypal and changed that password. I narrowly averted disaster. I learned my lesson, again. Don’t fall for Phishing scams.

If you ever get an email from anyone, asking you to log into your account from a link in the email: DON’T DO IT!

Log into your account from a different browser window and manually type in the address. Be careful out there. The bad guys are counting on you to take the easy way, and click on the link. Just like I did. If you get such a message, delete it immediately. If the email says it’s from Paypal or eBay you can forward it to them at this address:

The Anti-Phishing work group has some great advice: Be suspicious of any email with urgent requests for personal financial information

Don’t use the links in an email, instant message, or chat to get to any web page if you suspect the message might not be authentic or you don’t know the sender or user’s handle

Avoid filling out forms in email messages that ask for personal financial information

Always ensure that you’re using a secure website when submitting credit card or other sensitive information via your Web browser

You can find other great advice on what to do about phishing scams by going to:

Anti-Phishing work group Remember: Let’s be careful out there. You are one click away from being scammed.. 

Feel free to reprint this article. The article must use the following resource box:

Get  free copy of Albert Grande’s e-book “Big Ideas, Big Profits” at this link:

Claim your no cost copy of the most powerful force in Internet Marketing:
The Law of Reciprocity

<End Resource Box>

All the Best,

Albert Grande
Discover the the Real Secret

P.S. Check out this site:

Get This Massive Collection… In less than 5 minutes you can have access to an ARSENAL of marketing videos and audio training courses. Go there now!

Oh No…Comics for the Online Marketer

      My friend just sent me this link 
Marketing Comics
 and it cracked me up. As an Internet Marketing, you may feel like nobody outside your online buddies understand exactly what you do all day at home. And, sometimes you feel a bit like an alien trying to tell people stories about your day-to-day life.
      Well, Jimmy D. Brown hit a home run. He’s created 15 comics about what it’s like to be an Internet Marketer. Some will make you laugh out loud and some will make you groan, but all are worth taking a minute to peek at.
      Totally free and totally funny.
      Check them out here:
Marketing Comics

Albert Grande

 Get This Massive Collection… In less than 5 minutes you can have access to
an ARSENAL of marketing videos and audio
training courses. Go there now! 

Info-Product Dashboard Review by Albert Grande

Marlon Sanders starts out by asking you: Do you want to trade your time for money or do you want to trade products for money? He’s talking about his newest creation:  
Info-Product Dashboard.

 The wacky Sanders is answering his own question. Of course we would rather trade products for money. Tell us how?

 Info-product Dashboard

 He does just that with his Info-Product Dashboard. The guy knows what he’s talking about. He’s created at least 40-50 products himself over the years.

As I reviewed the product I asked myself the same question whenever I buy anything: what is the Return on Investment (ROI). Can I at least get my money back if I use the product.

The answer is a resounding: yes. I made the purchase and have had time to give it a test drive. I endorse Info-Product Dashboard without hesitation. I will get my money’s worth out of this system.

I call it a system because that is what it is. Info-Product Dashboard is a step by step system of product creation as well as product promotion. He really has taken all of the guess work out of creating your own product. 

This product is a good one if you are motivated and are willing to spend some time doing research and following the steps.

 A word of caution: if you think you will not have to do any work and watch the dollars roll in, this product is not for you.

If you are motivated to succeed, can follow directions and most importantly do not give up, this product is your answer.

Personally, I have promoted many different affiliate products. Creating and selling your own products is truly special. Once you create your own products, it takes Internet Marketing to another level.

I give Info-Product Dashboard, two thumbs up. Marlon Sanders hit a grand-slam with this one.

Albert Grande

Get This Massive Collection… Get This Massive Collection of ‘How To’ Internet Marketing Training Videos in Easy To Understand Video and Audio Format.