The Law of Reciprocity, Camtasia, SnagIt, Video

There has been a firestorm of activity since Techsmith decided to give away versions of Camtasia and Snag-It for free. These are full older versions of their software. The idea is that you will like the older version so much you will upgrade to the newer version.

This company really knows how to practice The Law of Reciprocity.  This is a brilliant marketing strategy which is discussed in my (free) e-book, When you Give You Get. Download your copy here.

Techsmith has made an older version of the very powerful video creating software, Camtasia, available for free.

Download your copy of Camtasia  >>>here.<<<  You will need the key to activate it. Get the Camtasia key code to activate your copy right here.

Now Techsmith is giving away their incredible screen capture software called SnagIt.

Download a copy of SnagIt, here. You will need the key code, download it here. There are so many things you can do with Snag-It. You will be amazed at the usefulness of this software.

Here is a short video that will show you how to use Camtasia.


If you want a very useful ebook about Camtasia go to this link:

Don’t forget:

Here is how you can practice the Law of Reciprocity: register right here, right now for the 12 Days of Christmas. (It is completely free.)

Albert Grande
Elf-In-Training for The 12 Days of Christmas

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