Info-Product Dashboard by Marlon Sanders: Make Products, Make Money

Marlon Sanders has just created a tool that will help you create, and market your own information products. What can be cooler than that? 

Marlon keeps adding bonuses to his new
Info-Product Dashboard.

I am not sure how long the bonuses will be there so you better hurry. 
 Go there now>>>-Product Dashboard

As someone who owns many of Marlon’s products, I have to say, he has outdone himself with
Info-Product Dashboard. He holds nothing back and gives you step by step directions to assist you with your own information product.

Click here>>> Info-Product Dashboard

You may be wondering if this product’s for you.
To see if you’re among the large percentage that can
benefit from the Info-Product Dashboard, just run through
this list of simple criteria:

* If you have thought to yourself, “That would make a
great Info-Product,” this applies to you.

* If you are working the 9 to 5, trading your time for
dollars; this applies to you.

* If you’ve had that info product idea in the back-burner
for a year; and you still haven’t started it yet, this
applies to you.

* If you’re about to begin writing an ebook or are
partway through one, this applies to you.

* If you feel that you’re not an expert on anything; but
still want to create your own product, this applies to you.

* If you tried to create a product of your own
but gave up, this applies to you.

* If you’ve got a bunch of “half done” products on
your desktop, this REALLY applies to you.

* If you think it’s too hard to create your own
info-product, this definitely applies to you.

* If you think it takes too much money to create your
own info product, this STILL applies to you.

* If you have just 1 hour a day to spare to work on your
info-product, this applies to you.

* If you’ve got a web page that isn’t converting as well
as you’d like, this applies to you.

* If you think you can never create a professional looking
info product audio cd, pdf, ebook, or download pages; this
applies to you.

* If you’ve ever had a problem getting your payment
processing set up to take orders online, you need to
read this.

* If you know you want to sell products online but
haven’t gotten around to doing anything about it,
then this product REALLY applies to you.

Finally, if you’re not 100% satisfied with the results
you are achieving right now, then this applies to you.

Head over to…

Info-Product Dashboard

I know this will help you.

Best wishes,

Pizza on Earth, Good will to All!

Albert Grande

PS: There is still plent of time to check out the most amazing giveaway the 
12 Days of Christmas. I just downloaded six hours of audio of a seminar given by Mark Hendricks. Powerful stuff for any marketer. Go there now and get the seminar for free>>>
12 Days of Christmas
Also check out:
The Viral Giveaway: more incredible free e-books, tools, videos..

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