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The Secret of Getting People to Buy From You

The following is from an e-mail
I received from Internet Legend, Marlon Sanders.

Marlon’s e-mail is re-printed with permission: The Secret of Getting People to Buy From You

What do you think the ONE thing is that gets people to buy from you?
Think about what your answer is before you read on.

OK. Got it?
For the last 12+ years I’ve been saying this business is basically simple.
At heart, you find a group of people who want stuff and you get ’em to give you money for it.

Of course, the magic is in the part where people willingly give you their money.

When I was a child, my favorite part of the fair was the carnival pitchmen who sold knives and blenders
and the little mouse that crawled up your arm. I’ve been studying what gets people to buy ever since.

I have no desire to make it complex or complicated. I  really believe when you discover the secret of something,
it’s, at heart, simple.

So here is the result of what I’ve learned since I was a kid watching carnival pitchmen.

The secret of getting people to buy from you is….

Now, in the old days I would have said.  That the ONLY reason someone buys is to get benefits.
And that’s TRUE.
But I think the term “conveying value” better describes the process.

Here are a few ways you convey value for whatever it is you’re selling.

1.  Show the benefits over time
Show how money spent today results in benefits now and  in the future.

2.  Show the instant benefit times people don’t believe they’ll get a benefit.
So if it’s instant, you raise believability.

3.  Show all the WAYS the buyer benefits
Think of the infomercial where they say, “It slices, it dices, it chops and it even grates. 
You can use it to peel oranges, chop tomatoes, grate cheese, and even make party favors.”

4.  Demonstrate the benefit
Show it instead of just telling about it.

5.  Have third parties talk about the benefits they received
This is social proof.
Those are a few ways that come to my mind.

6.  Tell STORIES about people who benefitted.

7.  Product packaging conveys value The packaging of the product and the look or image of the web site
and blog conveys value.

Here’s my question to you:
Whatever it is that you’re selling, HOW could you convey value?

Brainstorm all the ways you could do that.

A sales letter is a set of words that follow a proven formula for conveying value and creating urgency.

A lot of people get caught up in writing, and forget it’s all about conveying value. 
The same thing goes for the belief that people don’t read long copy.

They don’t. Unless they’re thinking about buying. THEN your copy had BETTER adequately convey value.
There are MANY times
 I didn’t buy ONLY because the web site conveyed too little information and too little value for me
to make a positive buying decision.

You’ve got to SHOW and TELL me all the ways your product or  service creates VALUE for me.

If that chunk of value ends up being multiples of the money

I’ll spend, then you have my positive buying decision.

To convey value, you’ve gotta get out of your head and get into your buyer’s head. And say,
“What do they WANT?”

Because the VALUE is NOT in your product or service.
The VALUE, oddly enough, is in satisfying the wants of the buyer.

That’s how value is created.

Now once you CREATE that value by satisfying their wants, you have to CONVEY the value.
  The best product does NOT win.

The most knowledgable online marketers do NOT make the largest bank deposits.
  Those who do the most exquisite job of CONVEYING the value they have do.

There’s an art to conveying value.

Some people do it by bragging and hyping really hard.

Some do it subtly with skill and implication.

Some do it via the brute force of a massive product launch.
Some do it via multiple channels of audio, video, text, emails, reports, interviews and so forth.

It’s more art than science. Although there’s a science to it.

But the common theme is CONVEY.

I LAUGH so hard sometimes about Internet marketing.

Because new people and even experienced ones get so caught up in the pitches.

“I just don’t know which method I should buy and follow.

Should I do this one or that one or the other one?  It’s SO confusing.”

THINK about it.
The one thing ALL those systems have in common is the system promoter wants you to
BUY something from him or her.
Now — go and do thou likewise.

You have to be in the Game a long time before you really see how simple and wise that advice is.
The money is in the selling.  Not the buying. 

So the smart person buys info that helps them sell.  That’s how I see it.

Products are a dime a dozen.  People have this ILLUSION that if they create the BEST PRODUCT they’ll win. 
So they get all caught up in the paralysis of analysis and should I do this or that product,
and how can I make it the best.

The best product does NOT win. Products are a dime a  dozen.

The best PROMOTION wins. And the marketer wins who does  the best job of CONVEYING value.

So stop obsessing over creating the perfect product and create products with
consistent value using “The Writer’s Secret.”

Then get busy CONVEYING that value via every means possible.  
Or at least the ones that you enjoy the most or find interesting or challenging.

It’s funny that people can be in this Game so long and not understand that it’s all about creating value
in the form of products then CONVEYING that value effectively through multiple channels.

Are you a value creator?

Are you a value conveyor?

If you aren’t, then it’s high time you start studying how others create and convey value.

This goes for anyone selling anything.

The lessons are out there in the real world on every  street corner.  Everyday merchants create and convey

Open your eyes.

Look.  Watch. Listen.

This is the gospel of marketing.

It’s there every second if you have eyes to see.

And now you know the secret of getting people to buy from you.


Marlon Sanders helps people with hopes and dreams figure out how to turn those into reality by
selling stuff on the Internet.
Click Here


Resources you can use

After 8 years, thousands of customer emails, thousands of
buyers in virtually every major city in the world (and
many you haven’t heard of), 13 web site designs, 4 product
designs, after ebook and CD versions, after endorsements
from major marketers the world over, after hundreds of
marketers and products have come and gone, after attacks
by the world’s most notorious criminals, after attempts to
put it under, there is ONE product that remains and stands
tall. There is one product that is stable.

 You Can Discover
the Internet.
Click Here

Marlon Sanders” Amazing Formula Click Here