Tag Archives: affiliate programs

RAP and Pizza…

I’ve been struggling to set up an affiliate program. The choices for software are staggering.

How much should you spend? What software will work for me?

I have a couple of different products and have a number of new ones coming out. I was looking for something that would allow me the flexibility to be able to install it myself without a huge learning curve.

Believe me, I have been burned a number of times with products that promised the moon and did not deliver. The hardest part of this entire process is to find people you can trust.

After much research, I finally found a stellar product. It’s called RAP: Rapid Action Profits.

And it really lives up to its name. The product is an incredible one. you can create One Time Offers, you can promote your product with affiliates. And best of all you can set it up on multiple domains that you own. There are a number of other great features, as well.

I was able to set up my own affiliate program for my Pizza Therapy Pizza Book.

And if you want to promote pizza, you can join my affiliate program right here.

The absolute best part of RAP is the support that you get.

So sign up for my affiliate program, and help me to promote pizza. Go right here, now.

And then make sure you check out RAP. You will not be disappointed.

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